Search Results for barium-swallow

What is Laryngeal Cancer?

Laryngeal Cancer
...called the supraglottis and subglottis areas. The condition leads to hoarseness of the voice, coughing, foul breath, and swallowing difficulties. Risks The most common risk factors for this condition are...

What is Oropharyngeal Cancer?

Cancer de l'oropharynx, Oropharyngeal cancer, سرطان الفم والبلعوم
...and 70. Chewing or smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol and some infections increase the risk of getting oropharyngeal cancer. Symptoms of this condition include a change in the voice, difficulty swallowing,...

What is Foreign Body Aspiration?

Foreign Body Aspiration
...are in an asymptomatic phase.[10] After the asymptomatic phase, further indications that an object has been inhaled may include:[1][2][6] Recurrent cough Wheezing or stridor Fever Persistent difficulty swallowing Good to...