Search Results for copd/symptoms-basics

What is Ulcerative Colitis (UC)?

Ulcerative Colitis
...wide range of possible symptoms, to varying degrees of severity, including: Intestinal symptoms Symptoms that are directly related to one’s intestinal health, such as: Diarrhea; possibly featuring blood, mucus or...

What is Functional Dyspepsia?

Functional Dyspepsia
...manageable through a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. Symptoms of functional dyspepsia (indigestion) Indigestion is characterized by a group of symptoms affecting the gastrointestinal tract, including:[4] Pain or discomfort...

What is Arthritis?

التهاب المفاصل
...symptoms of pain and swelling are worse, and periods of improved or no symptoms. It usually causes arthritis in the hands, feet, and wrists. Rheumatoid arthritis treatment aims to slow...

What is Foreign Body Aspiration?

Foreign Body Aspiration
...body aspiration causes respiratory symptoms such as:[1][2][3] Choking Coughing Difficulty breathing and/or abnormal breathing sounds The precise symptoms experienced and severity of the condition depend on how large the blockage...

What is Pneumothorax?

...with only mild symptoms or, rarely, without symptoms. People with more severe symptoms of pneumothorax, such as substantial shortness of breath, require emergency treatment in a hospital, and the person...