Search Results for signs-of-sleep-apnea

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...the skin. **Symptoms:** * ‌**Intense ⁣itching:** Especially worse at night, leading to disturbed sleep. * **Small, raised bumps:** Appear on the hands, wrists, elbows, ⁣armpits,​ and genitals. * **Burrows:** Tiny,...

What is Premenstrual Syndrome?

Premenstrual Syndrome’s work or home life. Emotional symptoms include mood swings, irritability, sleeping difficulties, food cravings and poor concentration. Physical symptoms include bloating, breast tenderness, decreased energy, weight gain, nausea, swelling...

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Human Herpesvirus
...genetics can predispose individuals to‍ specific microbial communities. * **Diet:** ⁤A diverse ‌diet supports a diverse microbiome, ‌particularly in the⁣ gut. * **Lifestyle:** Factors such as physical ⁢activity, sleep, and...