Search Results for allergies/allergic-reaction

What is Arthritis?

التهاب المفاصل
...about Septic Arthritis » Reactive arthritis Reactive arthritis (ReA), formerly known as Reiter’s syndrome is short-term, inflammatory arthritis that develops as a reaction to certain bacterial infections. Typically, ReA is...

Depressive Episode

نوبة الاكتئاب ,Depressive Episode,الحلقة الاكت,Épisode dépressifئابية, نوبة الاكتئاب may experience postpartum depression.13 Sometimes, there is no obvious cause for the occurence of a depressive episode.12 Some health conditions, such as hypothyroidism, can cause symptoms of depression.3 While uncommon, adverse reactions...

What is Autism?

...Delayed speech and communication skills Relying on rules and routines Becoming upset by changes to routines A narrow or obsessive range of interests Unexpected reactions to tastes, sounds, smells, sights...

What is Thalassemia?

...protect against certain infections such as pneumonia and meningitis.[15] Other complications Other possible complications include:[2] Reduced fertility Blood transfusion complications, such as immune reactions and transmission of hepatitis Chelation complications,...