Search Results for womens-health/constipation-and-pelvic-prolapse

What is Crohn’s Disease?

Crohn’s Disease
...fertility, and pregnancy in Crohn’s disease.” Gastroenterology Clinics of North America. 19 July 2017. Accessed: 28 November 2017. ↩ ↩ “Crohn’s disease in women.” International Journal of Women’s Health. 18...

What is Cystic Fibrosis?

Cystic Fibrosis
...block the flow of these digestive secretions, affecting the way food is digested. This can lead to:[3] Large, fatty and foul-smelling stools Bloating of the abdomen Constipation Malnutrition and poor...

What is Food Allergy?

Food Allergy
...Atopic dermatitis Acid reflux Loose and/or frequent stools Constipation Mucus or blood in the stool Redness of the anus Tiredness Paleness Poor growth in children People experiencing a non-IgE-mediated allergic...

What is a Barium Oesophagram: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

What is Acupuncture: Overview
...include constipation or accidental entry of the barium mixture into the trachea. References: Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh;”Eosophagram”; Cedars-Sinai;”Barium Swallow-Eosophagram”;—Eosophagram.aspx Jay W. Marks MD; “Upper GI Series (Barium Swallow)”;...