Search Results for how-to-read-eye-prescription

What is Pertussis?

الشاهوق, Pertussis, coqueluche
...infection of the respiratory tract caused by the Bordetella pertussis bacteria [[1]]. ⁤It primarily affects infants and young children [[3]], and can cause severe illness [[2]]. How is Pertussis Spread?...

What is Pneumonia?

...course of childhood vaccinations or PCV13 (Prevnar) are more likely to contract pneumonia. Read more about Pediatric Pneumonia » Pneumonia in older people People older than 65 are at greater...

Signs of Ear Infection

Signs of Ear Infection, Signes d'infection de l'oreille, علامات التهاب الأذن
...few days, medical attention should be sought. In many cases, the signs and symptoms will clear up naturally within a couple of days without treatment. Read more about Middle Ear...

ما هو الجرب؟

...through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected individual or contaminated objects. It⁢ is ​often spread in crowded living conditions, such as nursing homes or prisons. **Diagnosis:** Scabies can be‍ diagnosed...

What is Rickets?

...whole grain bread, oat flakes, and eggs for vitamin D, as well as green leafy vegetables, almonds, and dairy products for calcium. Food supplements Vitamin D and calcium can also...

What Is Scabies?

...breathing 15. Spend time with your pet The bottom line Just one thing Scabies refers to a skin infection caused by a small mite. These mites spread from person to...