Search Results for heart-failure/taking-diuretics

What is Rickets?

...bone substance, making the bones soft and curved. Children with rickets can suffer from bone pain and can grow slower than other children. Rickets can be successfully treated by taking...

What is Rosacea?

...blush or flush, with skin redness taking longer and longer to fade. Over time, the redness will become permanent. The intensity of facial flushing can be affected by emotion, hydration,...

What is Acute Laryngitis?

Acute Laryngitis
...antibiotics. Prevention Prevention can be achieved by moderate use of the voice and taking care to avoid catching or spreading viruses. Giving up smoking may also help to avoid laryngitis....

What is Secondary Syphilis?

Secondary Syphilis
...eye) Diagnosing secondary syphilis The process of diagnosing secondary syphilis will typically include taking the person’s medical history to assess whether they have been at risk of infection, as well...