Search Results for heart-disease/beta-blockers

Arterial Doppler

What is Acupuncture: Overview diagnose related diseases and other medical conditions. This procedure is commonly used as an alternative to other more invasive imaging procedures, such as venography and arteriography, which both involve...


What is Acupuncture: Overview
...medulla that produces stress hormones including adrenaline. When a person is under stress or in a fight-or-flight situation, the hormones increase the heart rate to keep the body alert. The...


What is Acupuncture: Overview
...The patient’s heart, lung, and kidneys should be able to function adequately. If there is any concern about the function of the heart and lungs, an EKG or a chest...

What is a pulmonologist?

What is a pulmonologist? pulmonologist idea health medical treatment 277904 9911
...specializes in the heart and lungs. Beyond that, a pulmonologist will use medications, therapies, and pulmonary rehabilitation to help you return to wellness. Because lung diseases are often debilitating and...