Search Results for heart-disease

What is Pericardial Effusion?

Pericardial Effusion
...fungal or parasitic infection, including tuberculosis Heart attack Heart surgery Chest trauma Kidney failure or injury Severe untreated hypothyroidism Whipple’s disease Familial Mediterranean fever Cancer Radiation (e.g., radiotherapy) Sarcoidosis (an...

Arrhythmia – Drug Therapy

What is Acupuncture: Overview
...that impede the normal pathway of electrical ‍impulses in the heart. **Q: What​ Causes Arrhythmias?** **A:** Arrhythmias can result from‌ various factors, ​including: * Heart disease * Thyroid‍ disorders *...

What is Lyme Disease?

Lyme Disease
...disease diagnosis.” 2018. Accessed: 25 February 2018. ↩ “Tick removal.” Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. 01 June 2015. Accessed: 25 February 2018. ↩ “Systemic arthritis after Lyme disease.”...

What Is Ischemic Stroke?

Ischemic stroke, السكتة الدماغية الإقفاريةIschemic stroke, , AVC ischémique help people quit. Heart problems: Heart disorders, such as coronary artery disease and irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation), increase the risk of stroke. People with such a heart problem should...