Search Results for obesity/bariatric-surgery

What is Endometrial Polyps?

Endometrial Polyps, Polypes de l'endomètre, الاورام الحميدة في بطانة الرحم
...particularly where the dose of estrogen is high Obesity Treatment with the medication tamoxifen for breast cancer, after menopause Endometrial polyps may recur. People who have had polyps in the...

What is Esophageal Cancer?

Esophageal cancer, Cancer de l'oesophage, سرطان المريء
...tumor gets bigger. A history of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), smoking, and excessive alcohol intake increases the risk of esophageal cancer. Treatment usually involves surgery as well as radiotherapy or...

Reducing screen time

Réduire le temps d'écran, Reducing screen time, تقليل وقت النظر إلى الشاشة
...TVs. **Q: Why is reducing screen time important?** A: ‌Excessive screen time can lead to ‍various health problems,‌ including: * Eye strain * Sleep disturbances * Obesity * Anxiety ​and...