Search Results for high-cholesterol

What is Osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis or are at high risk of osteoporosis developing due to having low bone mass.[1] Table of Contents Symptoms Causes Why does bone density decrease over time? Causes of osteoporosis...

What is Legionella Infection?

Infection à légionelles, Legionella infection, عدوى الليجيونيلّا
...Legionnaires’ disease is suspected to check for pneumonia in the lungs.[1][3] Antibiotics are most often prescribed to treat Legionnaires’ disease. Complications are possible, particularly within high-risk groups, such as elderly...

What is Breast Cancer?

Breast Cancer
...cancer: women from higher socioeconomic classes have more breast cancer incidences in general, likely due to factors such as higher hormonal contraceptive use and bearing fewer children and are also...

What is Measles?

Measles is a highly infectious, viral illness. Children are most often affected, although it can occur at any age. Although the illness is unpleasant, most people make a full recovery....