Search Results for obesity

What is Endometrial Cancer?

Endometrial Cancer
...of developing endometrial cancer include obesity; never having given birth; the use of hormone-containing medications (including tamoxifen to treat breast cancer, and hormone replacement therapy); and smoking. People who have...

Sleeping better

Sleeping better, النوم بشكل أفضل, Mieux dormir
...* **Reduced risk of ⁣chronic diseases:** Studies have linked poor sleep⁣ quality to ‌an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes,⁣ and obesity. **Q:⁤ What are the‍ signs of sleep⁣...

What are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids’s diet. Other factors that may increase the risk of hemorrhoids include:[1] Obesity or being overweight Pregnancy Repeated heavy lifting Coughing or vomiting regularly Age (older people are more susceptible...