Search Results for pml-virus

What is Mumps?

...​that causes ‍swelling of ‍the ‌salivary glands. It is caused by the mumps ⁣virus, which ⁣is spread through respiratory droplets ​when an ​infected person ⁢coughs, sneezes, or talks. The virus...

What is Asthma?

...important reason for this is that exposure to certain viruses, for example, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), is believed to increase the likelihood of a child developing asthma.[18] Furthermore, it is...

What is Cervicitis?

Cervicite, Cervicitis, التهاب عنق الرحم
Cervicitis Cervicitis is an inflammatory condition of the cervix, the neck of the womb. The inflammation can be infectious, most often caused by bacteria or viruses, or non-infectious, caused by...