...note that cold water immersion may provide other health benefits, including increased tolerance to stress and lowered cardiovascular disease risk. However, most of the studies included in the review were...
...an important role in the body; as the heart pumps blood through the arteries, the blood makes its way back to the heart through the veins. Sometimes, however, the veins...
...conditions – These conditions may be environmental or genetic in nature. Examples include Tay-Sachs disease, cystic fibrosis, and gestational diabetes, or diabetes that develops during pregnancy. In this case, the...
...a person is under stress or in a fight-or-flight situation, the hormones increase the heart rate to keep the body alert. The adrenal glands have to produce these hormones in...
...recommended if: The patient has been diagnosed with certain medical conditions – Some conditions are believed to be aggravated by psychosomatic tendencies. These include heart disease and psoriasis. The patient...
...of the body, such as the belly, hip, legs, ears, eyes, nose, skin, and heart Administer vaccines Treat the baby’s condition, if there’s any Assess development such as sleeping, bowel...
...Assessing the athlete’s level of physical maturity Identifying and resolving existing health problems that may interfere with the athlete’s activities The exam adheres to certain guidelines set in place by...
...surface of the chest. Possible Risks and Complications As a major surgical procedure requiring anaesthetics and at least one incision, the excision of chest wall tumours can cause some complications,...
...vessels as the blood is pumped by the heart. A lung problem, therefore, can cause serious health consequences including a significant reduction of quality of life and in extreme cases,...
...prevent umbilical cord prolapse. As a follow-up step, the doctor measures and notes the color and consistency of the fluid that comes out. After an amniotomy, the fetus’ heartbeat will...