Search Results for type-2-diabetes/understanding-cv-disease-diabetes

Weight Loss Operation

What is Acupuncture: Overview
...lowered ⁤cholesterol,⁢ improved control of diabetes, and reduced‍ risk of ​cardiovascular disease. It⁤ also improves quality of life and increases life expectancy. Types of Weight Loss Operations Gastric Bypass Surgery...

What is Autism?

...professional. Other causes of diarrhea include:[15] Crohn’s disease Irritable bowel syndrome Infections Medications Gastroesophageal reflux disease Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when stomach contents, including stomach acid, leak into the...

What is Tendonitis?

...condition that causes inflammation of joints and associated tissues. If tendons are affected, it can lead to inflammation and tendonitis.[34][35] Read more about Rheumatoid Arthritis » Diabetes and metabolic diseases...