...small intestine, the gallbladder, and the bile duct. It is a very complex surgery used to treat cancer or inflammation of the pancreas, and is typically used as a last...
...can be carried out. Doctors may run a number of tests to identify the cause of the condition. These may include:[6] Fluorescein eye test: Fluorescent eye drops are used to...
...during follow-up sessions. Check for recurrence – Eye cancers are rare when compared to other types of cancers, but they can still be life threatening. Although they can be treated,...
...exam and may order additional diagnostic tests, such as visual acuity tests, retinal imaging, or ultrasound. The results of these tests will be used to monitor the progression of the...
...are no standard diagnostic tests for PCS. Before making a diagnosis of PCS, a doctor will usually perform brain imaging tests, such as to rule out the possibility that a...
Definition and Overview Cystometry is a diagnostic test that determines bladder pressure especially upon voiding or urinating. It is one of the many urodynamic function tests that assess how well...
...breath test, stool antigen test, blood antibody test, and endoscopy with a biopsy. The breath test and stool antigen test are commonly used due to their non-invasive nature, whereas a...
...or not, as well as height loss due to an increased abnormal spinal curvature. Blood chemistry test – This evaluates a person’s calcium and phosphorus levels, as well as assesses...
...go through a comprehensive physical exam and blood test to determine the presence of underlying conditions that could affect the result of the procedure or could lead to serious complications....
...refers a patient suffering from a rare type of cancer to an oncologist who is more experienced with the said type of cancer. Self-referral – A self-referral is when parents...