Search Results for 16-ways-relieve-stress-anxiety

What is Pneumothorax?

...the chest A rapid heart rate Rapid breathing Feeling physically weak Anxiety Confusion Blue fingers and lips Possibly collapse Other symptoms may be present if a lung infection is a...

What is Hyperthyroidism?

hyperthyroidism[1][2][3] Signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism Symptoms of excess thyroid hormone may include:[1][2][3][6][7][8][9][10] Psychological symptoms Anxiety or nervousness; some people may present with signs of depression Irritability or agitation Insomnia...

Depressive Episode

نوبة الاكتئاب ,Depressive Episode,الحلقة الاكت,Épisode dépressifئابية, نوبة الاكتئاب
...**Life stressors:**‌ Traumatic events, loss, or chronic stress * **Medical conditions:** Physical illnesses such as chronic pain, ⁢cancer, or thyroid‍ problems **Treatment:** Treatment for depressive episodes typically involves a combination...