What are Urodynamic Studies: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
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Urodynamic studies are diagnostic tests used to assess the urinary system’s storage and voiding functions. The results help diagnose diseases and other conditions, helping medical professionals understand the exact cause of urinary issues. Some of the abnormalities that a urodynamic study can uncover are incomplete bladder emptying, difficult or weak urine flow, increased residual urine, and frequent urination.
## What Are the Benefits of Urodynamic Studies?
Urodynamic studies help identify, treat, and monitor different types of bladder and urinary conditions. This type of testing also provides a minimally invasive way of accurately evaluating the health of the lower urinary tract.
Aside from diagnosing and monitoring conditions, urodynamic studies are also beneficial when it comes to medical decision-making. Urodynamic tests can explain the impact of various diseases on the lower urinary tract. They can also help inform the best course of treatment, predispose to long-term complications, and assess outcomes of certain treatments.
## Urodynamic Test Indications and Expected Results
Indications for performing a urodynamic test vary based on the symptomology and medical history of the patient. Common indications include incontinence, incomplete bladder emptying, weak and infrequent urination, recurrent urinary tract infections, and a feeling of discomfort or pressure in the lower abdomen.
Urodynamic tests provide important objective measurements of the lower urinary tract. The expected results, mostly objective, can tell the doctor how well the bladder functions during storage and emptying. The results can help identify any issues of pressure, uncontrolled fire, weak sphincter functions, reduced bladder capacity, and increased residual urine.
## Types of Urodynamic Tests
There are various types of urodynamic tests available for diagnosing and monitoring bladder and urinary issues.
#### 1. Uroflowmetry
Uroflowmetry is a non-invasive type of urodynamic study used to measure a patient’s urine flow rate. It evaluates how much urine a person is able to produce and determine if the patient is experiencing any difficulty with urinating. The test examines the shape and pattern of the urine flow, and results may indicate if there are obstructions in the urinary tract.
#### 2. Pressure Flow Study
A pressure flow study (PFS) is a urodynamic study used to measure the force, pressure, and flow of a patient’s urine. This test evaluates the patient’s bladder capacity and enables the medical team to arrive at a diagnosis for any underlying issues.
#### 3. Post-Void Residual Volume
A post-void residual volume (PVR) test is a simple type of urodynamic study. This test measures the amount of urine left in the bladder after the patient urinates. The results may indicate whether the patient is having difficulty emptying the bladder completely.
#### 4. Cystometry
A cystometry test is an invasive type of urodynamic study used to measure bladder pressure and capacity. An instrument known as a manometer is placed into the bladder to measure pressures. The doctor can also use the test to measure the patient’s bladder capacity and ability to maintain continence.
#### 5. Leak Point Pressure
A leak point pressure (LPP) test is a type of urodynamic test used to determine the minimum amount of pressure that will cause the patient to leak urine involuntarily. It is a type of pressure-flow study used in diagnosis of urinary incontinence.
## How Are Urodynamic Tests Performed?
The procedure and steps a doctor takes to perform a urodynamic study will depend on the type of diagnostic test being performed. However, all urodynamic tests follow the same basic approach.
First, the patient should drink fluids before the test if instructed to do so. This helps make sure the bladder is not empty for the test. Before the actual testing begins, the patient may be asked to empty their bladder. During the test, the patient will be asked to do simple activities such as laughing, coughing, bearing down, and relaxing.
### Urodynamic studies are an important type of test used to evaluate the health of the urinary system. They are minimally invasive and can provide important information about the bladder and the patient’s ability to store and empty urine. Although there is some discomfort associated with the tests, it is often outweighed by the advantages of using urodynamic testing to diagnose underlying issues with the bladder. Urodynamic tests can indicate conditions such as incontinence, incomplete bladder emptying, and weak urine flow. There are a variety of tests available, including uroflowmetry, pressure flow study, post-void residual volume, cystometry, and leak point pressure tests, all of which take a different approach or measure different aspects of the urinary system. All urodynamic tests have the same basic approach involving activities such as coughing, bearing down, and relaxing. Knowing more about urodynamic tests and their benefits can help patients make informed decisions about their health and treatment.
Definition and Overview
Also referred to as urodynamics or urodynamic testing, urodynamic studies refer to a series of tests that are conducted to assess the function and condition of the lower urinary tract.
The urinary system is composed of the kidneys, ureter, bladder, sphincter muscles, and the urethra. The lower tract is made up of the bladder and urethra.
The urinary system is responsible for draining the body’s metabolic by-products and excess water in the form of urine. First, the kidneys filter the body’s fluids to remove the impurities, toxins, and excess water. The wastes then move to the ureter and into the bladder. The bladder is a pouch-like organ that expands as it stores or collects urine. It also prevents the urine from returning to the kidneys through some of its muscles. The urine is kept there until it’s ready to be released to give way for another batch of urine. The walls of the bladder are composed of many nerves that signal the brain when it’s already full.
The bladder then relaxes to allow the urine to flow while the sphincter muscles help control how much urine is released. The urethra is where the urine passes through.
The urinary system between males and females are not different except for the length of the urethra, in which women have a shorter urethra than men.
Who Should Undergo and Expected Results
Patients who exhibit the symptoms below are candidates for urodynamic studies:
- Incontinence or involuntary loss of bladder control
- Changes in urination pattern
- Burning sensation during urination
- A feeling that the bladder is not completely emptied
- Urination that is accompanied by pain in the lower back, fever, or discomfort
- Changes in urine’s quality in terms of color, smell, and texture (e.g., cloudy)
How Does the Procedure Work?
The actual procedure depends on the test to be conducted:
Uroflowmetry – This is a test that evaluates the rate of flow and volume of the urine. Simply put, it measures how fast you expel urine. It uses specially designed equipment that measures the actual volume and speed of passing urine then feeds the data to a computer, which will then present the information in a graph form. The procedure is straightforward: in a private room, the patient urinates in a funnel or special toilet seat while the urine is being collected.
Cystometric test – This is a more comprehensive examination since it provides more crucial information such as bladder pressure. It involves inserting a catheter with a manometer into the bladder and performed under local anesthesia.
Electromyography – This is quite similar to the electrocardiograph of the heart, except that the sensors are attached to the skin of the urethra or the rectum. The purpose of the test is to determine and analyze the electrical activity of the lower urinary tract. It may be used to diagnose nerve damage on the bladder.
Postvoid Residual Measurement – This is an examination that determines how much urine the bladder stores after urinating. It can be accomplished using ultrasound or a catheter, which is inserted into the bladder.
Possible Risks and Complications
Some of the tests may be uncomfortable, especially if the patient is required to fill the bladder. This means that he needs to control any urge to urinate. The use of catheter may also cause some mild discomfort in the first few urine passes after the procedure. In some cases, a contrast medium may have to be swallowed. This is needed when the test uses an X-ray or a video, which captures the actual movements of the bladder when passing urine. Some people may be allergic to the contrast medium. Also, those with kidney issues may not be able to undertake the procedure since the body has to get rid of the dye completely.
Overall, however, the urodynamic studies are safe and are performed by licensed technicians and radiologist. The doctor doesn’t have to recommend all the mentioned tests to make a diagnosis. It all depends on the patient’s symptoms, medical records or history, or concern.
Nitti V. Urodynamic and videourodynamic evaluation of voiding dysfunction. In: Wein AJ, ed. Campbell-Walsh Urology. 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders Elsevier; 2011:chap 62.
Lentz GM. Urogynecology: Physiology of micturition, voiding dysfunction, urinary incontinence, urinary tract infections and painful bladder syndrome. In: Lentz GM, Lobo RA, Gershenson DM, Katz VL, eds. Comprehensive Gynecology. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby Elsevier; 2012:chap 21.
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Very informative! #UrodynamicStudies