What is Skin Tissue Rearrangement: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

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What is Skin Tissue Rearrangement? Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results

Skin tissue rearrangement is a procedure or technique used in plastic surgery to address contour deformities or improve the overall look ​and symmetry of the face and body. It ​does this by re-draping‍ and re-positioning existing fat and tissue within ‌the same area. The process involves⁤ transferring fat and tissue ‍to achieve a more natural ⁤shape and appearance.

Skin tissue rearrangement typically includes tissue from the abdomen, buttocks, and surrounding areas – although any ‌tissue can be used, such as from the neck or upper arms. It is‍ an effective cosmetic procedure that can ⁣help correct facial⁢ and body asymmetries, improve contour deformities, and⁢ enhance the overall appearance.

What⁢ Are the Benefits of Skin Tissue Rearrangement?

Skin tissue rearrangement is⁣ a relatively low-risk procedure and can ⁣provide many benefits,​ such as:

  • Re-sculpting the face and body to achieve more aesthetically pleasing features

  • Restoring natural proportions

  • Improving facial and body symmetry

  • Reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines

  • Correcting any contour deformities

  • Reducing any large wrinkles

Expected Results from Skin Tissue Rearrangement

Most patients who undergo skin‍ tissue rearrangement can expect to see results within 3 to 6 months. The ​results of the treatment often last for up to ‍1 year. The cosmetic procedure ‍may need to be repeated in order to maintain long-term results.

The⁤ success of the skin tissue rearrangement procedure ⁣depends on the patient’s individual physiology ‌and the expertise ​of the plastic surgeon. Therefore, ‌it is important that patients consult​ with a certified, experienced, and reputable plastic surgeon ‌to ensure they get the desired outcome from the procedure.

Ideal Candidates for Skin Tissue Rearrangement

Skin tissue rearrangement is recommended for healthy​ adults who:

  • Seek to correct‌ contour deformities or improve the overall look⁢ and symmetry of the face and body

  • Have realistic⁢ expectations for the outcome of the⁣ procedure

  • Are in ‌generally good‍ physical condition

It is important to note that not everyone is an ideal ⁤candidate for skin tissue rearrangement. Children and individuals with existing⁢ medical conditions may not be considered for the‌ procedure.

Risks and Side Effects

As with⁣ any⁣ cosmetic ⁤procedure, skin tissue rearrangement involves‌ some risks and potential side effects. These include:

  • Bruising

  • Scarring

  • Infection

  • Numbness

  • Pain

  • Allergic reactions

  • Swelling

Patients should discuss any ​potential⁤ risks ⁣and side effects⁢ with ⁣their‍ plastic surgeon before proceeding with the procedure.

Preparing for Skin Tissue Rearrangement

The ⁤best way to prepare for a skin tissue rearrangement procedure is to be in good⁣ physical condition. Eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly can help ensure optimal results.

Prior to ⁤the procedure, patients should⁣ inform their plastic surgeon about ​any medications ​or medical conditions they might have that could affect the results​ of the ‌surgery. They should also⁢ disclose any allergies to drugs or medications.

Procedure Steps

The steps of a skin tissue rearrangement ​procedure‌ typically include:

  1. Anesthesia: The patient is administered general anesthesia or sedation ⁢to ensure their comfort during ‍the procedure.

  2. Tissue Removal: Excess fat and skin are removed from the area being treated.

  3. Tissue Transfer: The ‍fat and skin are transferred to the desired area.

  4. Suturing: ​The incisions are sutured to close the wounds.

  5. Recovery: The patient is closely monitored while they recover from the surgery.


Recovery ⁣after skin tissue rearrangement typically takes 1 to 3 weeks. ‌During this time,⁣ patients must restrict their activity and follow their doctor’s instructions to ensure a successful recovery.

Patients ‌can expect to⁣ experience some pain, swelling, bruising,‍ and numbness in the area treated. They may ​also experience some difficulties with movement or speaking. These symptoms should dissipate over time.


Skin ‍tissue rearrangement ⁢is an effective cosmetic procedure for addressing contour deformities and improving the‌ overall look and symmetry of the face and body. It can help restore a more natural shape to the ⁣face ⁢or body and reduce‌ the appearance of wrinkles. While the procedure‍ can provide many benefits, patients must be aware of the⁣ potential risks and side effects. It is important to discuss any concerns‍ with a certified, experienced, and ‌reputable⁣ plastic surgeon beforehand to ensure successful results.

Definition & Overview

The skin is the body’s first line of defense against various elements and pathogens. However, it is not immune to damages. In fact, being the protective cover of the human body makes it vulnerable to cuts, burns, and diseases.

The body has a mechanism that allows it to repair small wounds or scrapes on its own. However, this seems to be inadequate in cases of large wounds, such as those caused by invasive surgical procedures, burns, and lacerations, among others. Such can not only damage the superficial and deeper layers of the skin but also typically lead to the formation of unsightly scars.

Having large scars can seriously affect a person’s confidence, especially if clothing can’t conceal them. However, they can be made less conspicuous with skin tissue rearrangement. The procedure, which can be performed several ways using a variety of techniques (e.g., punch revision and scar revision), aims to reduce the appearance of scars by rearranging the tissue.

In some cases, such as those involving hyperkeratotic lesions, the old scar is surgically removed and the resulting wound is sutured in a way that will create a less visible scar. However, if the damage is too large, a tissue rearrangement procedure, such as adjacent tissue transfer, may be necessary. This involves the removal of healthy skin tissue (grafts) from other parts of the body and using it to cover the damaged skin. The procedure is standard in the management of severe burn cases.

Who Should Undergo & Expected Results

Skin tissue rearrangement is ideal for patients with large lesions, scars, burns, and those scheduled for foreign body removal. It is specifically recommended for those who have damaged skin on body parts that cannot be hidden by clothing. However, patients who simply do not like the appearance of the scar may also opt to undergo the procedure.

The surgery is also usually performed on breast cancer patients who have undergone a mastectomy, a procedure that removes the breast to eliminate cancer cells. Skin tissue rearrangement is often performed post-surgery to cover the resulting wound so it will heal faster.

Patients who undergo skin tissue rearrangement can expect a significant improvement in the appearance of their skin. However, this doesn’t mean the scar will be totally eliminated. As such, patients are informed ahead of time of the possibility that minimal scarring may still be visible after the procedure.

How Does the Procedure Work?

Skin tissue rearrangement is performed through surgical methods and requires the use of anaesthetics. The amount of anesthetics used is decided based on the type of surgery to be performed and if the patient will need to be asleep during the process.

In many cases, burn patients are put to sleep for the procedure while those who do not require the use of skin grafts can remain awake. The affected area will be administered with a local anesthetic to create a numbing effect so the patient does not feel any pain.

For the graft procedure, the surgeon will start by removing the damaged skin using a wide excision technique. A healthy skin from the donor site is then harvested and transplanted to the recipient site. All the wounds are then closed using sutures. In some cases, patients may need to undergo several incision and drainage procedures while in recovery to prevent infection and fluid buildup as well as hasten the healing process.

The donor site where the skin graft was harvested will be treated and protected until it is completely healed. Patients are then informed that even when the wounds heal properly at the transplanted site, scarring may still be slightly noticeable after the suture removal process to manage their expectations.

It may also be possible to use skin that is directly adjacent to the damaged portion (skin flap procedure). This is similar to a skin graft but instead of harvesting the skin from another part of the body, the harvested skin is right beside the affected area. The main benefit of this technique is that the harvested skin will remain attached to the body, which means that blood supply will not be interrupted. This allows the flap to heal faster.

Possible Risks & Complications

Because skin tissue rearrangement involves repairing damaged skin by creating more damage to other parts of the body, there is a possibility that complications may develop. These include developing an allergic reaction to the medications and anaesthetic used during surgery or recovery. There is also a risk of the wound not healing as expected. If an infection develops, the patient may need to undergo another type of treatment to manage the infection before it spreads throughout the body.

Patients, particularly those who undergo the procedure for cosmetic purposes, are warned about these risks to help them weigh their options. If doctors feel that the risks outweigh the possible benefits (such as in cases where the patient has another medical condition like diabetes), patients are advised to forego the procedure unless medically necessary (such as in the case of burn patients suffering from soft tissue atrophy).

There is also a risk that the procedure may fail due to several reasons, which may include wound mismanagement, the formation of a hematoma, and poor skin healing resulting in a more visible scarring.

Nevertheless, skin tissue rearrangement is generally safe with high success rates. Complications are often managed well or avoided altogether as long as patients comply with all the postsurgical instructions given by the doctor.

It is worth noting that there have been significant improvements in the technologies used in skin tissue rearrangement. Such technologies include the use of artificial skin, which significantly reduces the amount of damage caused by creating a skin graft or flap.


  • Adnan Prsic, MD;”Scar Revision”; http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2250161-overview?pa=3mMVO54MyLqHSveQCnNoWk6kiK7tNKi4MWwp0wr9S3G%2BbPsgtZwP7SpJ2GrSKLYr8tkq%2B4FUMwvnopEGjQ93%2BDCgTLadDjW30XNFYmyptyk%3D

  • San Antonio Cosmetic Surgery;”Burn Reconstruction”; http://www.sanantoniocosmeticsurgery.net/burn-reconstruction/ Encyclopedia of Surgery;”Skin Grafting”; http://www.surgeryencyclopedia.com/Pa-St/Skin-Grafting.html


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