What is Tonsillectomy: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
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What is Tonsillectomy? Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Overview of Tonsillectomy
Tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure in which doctors remove the tonsils. It is performed in patients who suffer from recurring tonsillitis or related throat conditions. The procedure may also be beneficial for those who experience difficulties breathing due to persistent inflammation of the tonsils. Doctors may recommend tonsillectomy to reduce the severity and frequency of throat infections, and to improve a patient’s overall health and quality of life.
Common Reasons for a Tonsillectomy
A tonsillectomy may be recommended when other treatments have not proven effective. Doctors typically advise tonsillectomy when a patient suffers from severe and recurrent bouts of tonsillitis. This procedure may also be performed for patients with snoring and sleep apnea, as enlarged tonsils can restrict airflow, resulting in loud snoring and pauses in breathing. In rare cases, doctors may recommend tonsillectomy if the tonsils contain suspicious or abnormal growths.
Procedure and Preparation
A tonsillectomy is usually performed under general anesthesia, meaning the patient is completely asleep and unaware of the surgery. Doctors use a variety of methods to actually remove the tonsils, but typically use a combination of surgical instruments such as scissors, forceps, and/or a tonsillectomy knife. The procedure generally takes between 30 minutes and an hour, depending on the individual patient.
Before undergoing tonsillectomy, patients are advised to avoid certain medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and other NSAIDS, as these can increase the risk of bleeding. A pre-operative exam may also be recommended to ensure that the patient is healthy enough to undergo the procedure.
Benefits of Tonsillectomy
Tonsillectomy offers a range of benefits for those who suffer from chronic tonsillitis or obstructive respiratory conditions. By removing the tonsils, it significantly reduces the frequency and severity of throat infections, thus improving the patient’s overall health and quality of life. Additionally, adults with severe snoring or sleep apnea due to enlarged tonsils may also benefit from this procedure.
Risks and Complications
As with any surgical procedure, there is a risk of complications following tonsillectomy, including infection, bleeding, and post-operative pain. Pain following the procedure is quite common, and may last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks while the patient recovers from the procedure. Bleeding is also a risk, although this occurs in less than 1% of all tonsillectomy patients.
Expected Results Following a Tonsillectomy
Most patients recover from a tonsillectomy without any complications. Following the procedure, they can usually return to their daily activities three to four weeks later. Pain following the procedure can be managed with medications, such as analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. Additionally, doctors may also advise patients to drink plenty of fluids and eat soft foods to help reduce pain and speed up the healing process. Regular follow-up appointments are also recommended to monitor the patient’s progress.
Overall, a tonsillectomy is relatively safe procedure with few risks. It can greatly improve a person’s health and quality of life, particularly among those with chronic tonsillitis or snoring and sleep apnea caused by enlarged tonsils. While recovery time may vary from person to person, most patients should be able to return to their daily activities within a few weeks of the procedure.
Definition & Overview
Tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure primarily developed and performed to treat tonsillitis, the chronic inflammation of the tonsils. Tonsils are a small pair of glands containing white blood cells that help fight infections. They are found at the back of the throat and would typically swell when infected. In the majority of cases, tonsillitis is resolved with a round of antibiotic. However, in severe or chronic cases in which the condition occurs several times a year, complete tonsil removal can be recommended.
These days, tonsillectomy can also be performed to treat a variety of disorders including apnoea or sleep disordered breathing, other breathing problems, and other diseases of the tonsils.
Who Should Undergo & Expected Results
Tonsillectomy is recommended for patients with:
- Chronic tonsillitis, which symptoms include difficulty swallowing, fatigue, and fever
- Enlarged tonsils leading to respiratory obstruction
- Severe dysphagia
- Sleep disorders caused by underlying cardiopulmonary complications
- Chronic bacterial throat infection that does not respond to medication and impedes swallowing and breathing
- Accumulation of pus behind the tonsils
- Tonsillitis caused by febrile convulsions
Tonsillectomy can also be performed as a diagnostic procedure if cancer is suspected. This involves collecting tissue samples for a biopsy.
As for the expected results, removing these small glands help increase airway space, giving relief to those who suffer from unusually loud snoring. The procedure can also prevent further infection and other complications.
Tonsillectomy is considered a relatively simple surgical procedure and in the majority cases, it only requires an overnight hospital stay for children while adults are normally allowed to go home after surgery. Painkillers are prescribed for about a week or two to manage sore throat and other complications. Rapid recovery from tonsil removal is expected with patients being able to resume normal activities after a few days of rest.
How Does the Procedure Work
There are several methods to perform a tonsillectomy. One is called bipolar diathermy dissection which is preferred in many cases as it minimises blood loss. This is done by closing off the blood vessels between the tonsils and the surrounding muscles using electrical forceps. The tonsils are then removed one at a time. This procedure is performed if complete tonsil removal is required to ensure that none of its tissues are left behind.
Another method is called intracapsular tonsillectomy and involves the use of an electrical probe to break down and remove the proteins in the tonsil tissue. The probe contains a saline solution heated by electrical current and causes the breakdown of the glands inside the tonsil lining. This method reduces the risk of exposing the underlying muscles and blood vessels. This type of tonsillectomy is typically done to address sleep apnoea or loud snoring.
Possible Complications and Risks
There is always the risk of bleeding during any surgical procedure and tonsil removal is no exception. Bleeding could occur during bipolar diathermy dissection, while the surgeon is still in the process of cauterising or closing off the affected blood vessels. However, this type of bleeding is easily controlled and is rarely considered a major complication.
Pain is expected after tonsillectomy and would need medication to manage. In some cases, the ears are also affected and patients also experience stuffy nose. These can cause children to reduce their liquid and food intake.
Also, the back of the throat would appear white and would have an unpleasant smell after surgery.
Meanwhile, uncommon complications include damage to some parts of the mouth due to the insertion of metal instruments and jaw pain.
Caregivers should also be on the lookout for recurring symptoms of tonsillitis or even persistent loud snoring even after surgery. This could be caused by tonsil regrowth, which requires repeated surgery.
Goldstein NA. Evaluation and management of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea. In: Flint PW, Haughey BH, Lund LJ, et al, eds. Cummings Otolaryngology: Head & Neck Surgery. 6th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2015:chap 184
Wetmore RF. Tonsils and adenoids. In: Kliegman RM, Stanton BF, St Geme JW, Schor NF, eds. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 20th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2016:chap 383.
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Really great post- thanks for sharing! #tonsillectomy
So informative!
Really great post- thanks for sharing! #tonsillectomy #informative