and Expected Results
What is Platysmaplasty: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition and Overview Platysmaplasty is a type of neck lift procedure that aims to tighten the platysma, a band of muscles that are found on both sides of the neck to improve the angle of the jaw and lift sagging…
What is Plastic Surgery Follow-Up: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition and Overview Plastic surgery, which can be performed for cosmetic or reconstructive purposes, is an invasive procedure that aims to enhance or restore the original appearance and in some cases, the function of different body parts. Popular procedures include…
What is Prenatal Fetal Consultation: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition and Overview A prenatal fetal consultation is an appointment between a prenatal specialist or an obstetrician and a pregnant woman to check the condition of the fetus in the womb. This is very helpful for all expecting mothers who…
What is Placement of Soft Tissue Localisation Devices: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview The development of different imaging technologies has allowed the visualisation of the body’s internal structure to a degree of accuracy. The images obtained by these procedures have allowed great advancements in treating different medical conditions, including tumours…
What is Plastic Surgery Consultation: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition and Overview A plastic surgery consultation is a preliminary service offered by most cosmetic surgery clinics. It plays a crucial role in the decision-making process of a person considering plastic surgery. While some clinics may charge for a consultation,…
What is Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a type of test performed before the implantation stage in an in vitro fertilization procedure. Its purpose is to screen the embryos for genetic diseases that they may inherit from their parents.…
What is Prostate Biopsy: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition and Overview Prostate biopsy is a diagnostic exam that is commonly used to confirm the presence of prostate cancer. It involves obtaining tissue samples of the prostate glands for close examination. The prostate gland is part of a male’s…
What is Phalloplasty: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview Phalloplasty is a surgical procedure used to reconstruct the male genitalia. The goal of this procedure is to achieve erotic sensation and rigidity for sexual intercourse as well as retain the capability of urinating while standing up.…
What is Placement of Radiotherapy Afterloading Expandable Catheter Following Partial Mastectomy: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview The placement of a radiotherapy afterloading expandable catheter following a partial mastectomy is an essential part of radiotherapy treatment for breast cancer. Patients who are diagnosed with breast cancer often undergo a mastectomy to have the cancerous…
What is Pelvic Gynaecological Surgery: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview A pelvic gynaecological surgery refers to surgical procedures performed on any of the organs in the pelvic region. Several of these procedures are now performed using minimally invasive techniques to reduce surgical risks and shorten recovery time.…
What is Percutaneous Skeletal Fixation: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview Percutaneous skeletal fixation is the surgical procedure of treating fractures by inserting surgical implants through the skin. It is applicable in the treatment of fractures in the pelvis and other bones in the body, including the spine.…
What is Pharyngolaryngectomy with Radical Neck Dissection with or without Reconstruction: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
Definition & Overview A pharyngolaryngectomy with radical neck dissection is a medical procedure that removes the pharynx and the larynx. The pharynx is the area at the back of the mouth and throat, while the larynx is the voice box.…