


Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy is a cornerstone of HIV management, effectively suppressing the virus and preventing its transmission. ARVs are medications that target specific stages of the HIV lifecycle, inhibiting viral replication and reducing viral load.

**Key Features:**

* **Combination Therapy:** ARVs are typically used in combination to maximize efficacy and minimize the risk of resistance.
* **Target Specific Enzymes:** ARVs target different enzymes involved in HIV replication, such as reverse transcriptase, protease, and integrase.
* **Suppression of Viral Load:** Effective ARV therapy can reduce HIV viral load to undetectable levels, improving immune function and overall health.
* **Prevention of Transmission:** When HIV-positive individuals are on successful ARV therapy, they have a significantly reduced risk of transmitting the virus to others through sexual contact.
* **Management of Opportunistic Infections:** ARVs help prevent and treat opportunistic infections common in HIV, such as pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis.

**Benefits of ARV Therapy:**

* Improved survival and quality of life for HIV-positive individuals
* Reduced risk of HIV-related complications and opportunistic infections
* Prevention of HIV transmission to others
* Maintenance of immune function and overall health