Crystal deposition

**Crystal Deposition**

Crystal deposition refers to the accumulation of microscopic crystals within body tissues or joints, often leading to pain, inflammation, and limited mobility. Commonly encountered deposition diseases include gout, pseudogout, and calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease.


* Joint pain and swelling
* Redness and warmth
* Crystal accumulation in affected joints
* Decreased range of motion
* Fever and chills (in severe cases)


* High uric acid levels (gout)
* Calcium oxalate deposition (pseudogout)
* Calcium pyrophosphate crystal deposition


* Physical examination
* X-rays
* Joint fluid analysis


* Medication to reduce inflammation and pain
* Colchicine or allopurinol (for gout)
* Lifestyle modifications to manage underlying causes


* Joint crystal deposition
* Crystal-related arthritis
* Metabolic arthritis

**Related Keywords:**

* Uric acid
* Calcium oxalate
* Calcium pyrophosphate
* Gout
* Pseudogout
* Inflammation
* Joint pain