Endovascular Treatment

**Endovascular Treatment**


Endovascular treatment is a minimally invasive medical procedure that uses image-guided technology to treat a variety of vascular conditions, such as aneurysms, blockages, and tears. It involves accessing the affected blood vessels through a small incision, usually in the femoral artery or radial artery.


* Endovascular intervention
* Vascular disease
* Aneurysm repair
* Arterial stent placement
* Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) treatment


* Less invasive than open surgery
* Reduced recovery time and complications
* Preserves arterial integrity
* Suitable for patients at high risk for major surgery


* Aortic aneurysms
* Carotid artery stenosis
* Peripheral artery disease
* Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
* Vascular malformations


* Angioplasty: Widening narrowed arteries
* Stenting: Placing metal mesh tubes to support weakened arteries
* Coiling: Inserting metal coils to block blood flow in aneurysms
* Embolization: Blocking blood flow to malformed vessels

**Patient Considerations:**

* Pre-procedure evaluation and planning
* Anesthesia administration
* Intraoperative monitoring and care
* Post-procedure recovery and follow-up

This advanced medical technique offers numerous advantages for treating vascular disorders with precision and minimal invasiveness, transforming the landscape of cardiovascular care.