
What is Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

Carence en vitamine B12, Vitamin B12 deficiency, نقص فيتامين ب 12

Vitamin B12 deficiency Vitamin B12 deficiency occurs when there are inadequate levels of vitamin B12 in the body. This important vitamin is necessary for the production of red blood cells and the healthy functioning of the nervous system. A lack…

What is Preparing for a Colonoscopy?

Cytomegalovirus Infection

colonoscopy A colonoscopy involves inserting a thin, flexible tube called a colonoscope into the body through the anus to examine the colon (large intestine) and rectum. The primary purpose of a colonoscopy is to investigate symptoms that may be coming…

What Is a Physiotherapist?

اخصائي العلاج الطبيعي, Physiotherapist, Physiothérapeute

A physiotherapist, or physical therapist, works with patients to help them manage pain, balance, mobility, and motor function. If you’ve ever had an illness or injury that impacted your ability to move or carry out daily tasks, your doctor may have referred…

What you should know about COVID-19

What you should know about COVID-19, ما يجب أن تعرفه عن مرض كوفيد -19, Ce que vous devez savoir sur le COVID-19

COVID-19 is a disease caused by a coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2. Scientists first discovered it in December 2019. 1 In March 2020, the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic. 2 COVID-19 usually causes respiratory symptoms, like a cold or flu,…

Taking care of yourself

Taking care of yourself, Prenant soin de vous, الاعتناء بنفسك

We want to show you that taking care of yourself can be simple. Take a few seconds to think about a houseplant. Whatever you’re imagining, be it cactus, fern, or peace lily, that plant needs care and attention. Tend to…

Blood Test Results

blood test result,résultat du test sanguin,نتيجة فحص الدم ،

A blood test – sometimes referred to as a blood panel – is a laboratory examination of a blood sample used to check for a variety of things, including the functioning of certain organs (such as the liver, kidneys, thyroid, and heart),…

Signs of Depression

Depression signs and symptoms, dépression, الاكتئاب

The signs of depression are many and varied. Depression is much more than a feeling of sadness; it is a medical condition that may cause severe, prolonged symptoms and significantly disrupt a person’s daily functioning.[1] Depression is thought to be the most…