Joint infection

**Joint Infection (Septic Arthritis)**


Joint infection, also known as septic arthritis, is a serious medical condition characterized by an infection within the joint space. It commonly affects the knees, hips, shoulders, and elbows.


* Severe joint pain
* Swelling
* Warmth
* Redness
* Limited range of motion
* Fever


* Bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, or Neisseria gonorrhoeae
* Trauma or surgery involving the joint
* Bloodstream infection spreading to the joint


Treatment typically involves:

* Antibiotics to clear the infection
* Joint aspiration or drainage to remove fluids
* Surgery in severe cases


Untreated joint infections can lead to:

* Joint damage and loss of function
* Bone infection (osteomyelitis)
* Sepsis (a life-threatening infection)

**Keywords and Phrases:**

* Joint infection
* Septic arthritis
* Knee infection
* Hip infection
* Shoulder infection
* Elbow infection
* Bacterial infection
* Trauma
* Surgery
* Antibiotics
* Joint drainage
* Surgery
* Joint damage
* Osteomyelitis
* Sepsis