Search Results for dehydration

What is Bacterial Gastroenteritis?

Bacterial Gastroenteritis immediately.[1][6][3][4] Dehydration Dehydration is the most common complication of bacterial gastroenteritis.[1][6] Dehydration may present with the following signs and symptoms in adults:[13] Urinating less and dark colored urine Dry...

What is Gastroenteritis?

What is Gastroenteritis?, Qu'est-ce que la gastro-entérite, ما هو التهاب المعدة والأمعاء
...Although they can be very unpleasant, most cases of gastroenteritis clear on their own within a few days, without specific treatment. The main complication tends to be dehydration, particularly among...

What is Morning Sickness?

Morning Sickness
Table of Contents Symptoms of viral gastroenteritis Causes of viral gastroenteritis Diagnosis of viral gastroenteritis Viral gastroenteritis treatment Home remedies Complications of viral gastroenteritis Dehydration Other complications Prevention of viral...

What is Herpangina?

...dehydration can include: Fatigue Decreased urination Dry mouth. If there is a suspicion of dehydration, seek a medical opinion right away. The symptoms of herpangina will normally disappear within 7...

What is Migraine Headache?

migraine headache is about to begin. Table of Contents Symptoms of viral gastroenteritis Causes of viral gastroenteritis Diagnosis of viral gastroenteritis Viral gastroenteritis treatment Home remedies Complications of viral gastroenteritis Dehydration...