Search Results for dehydration

Blood Test Results

blood test result,résultat du test sanguin,نتيجة فحص الدم ،
...conditions including malnutrition, rickets, and hypoparathyroidism.17 Chloride test This test measures the body’s chloride levels. An increased level of chloride can indicate dehydration as well as kidney disorders and adrenal...

What is Measles?

...herbal teas, to prevent dehydration and help ease a sore throat; alcohol and caffeine should be avoided Closing curtains and dimming lights to control sensitivity to light A humidifier or...

Hemoglobin levels

مستويات الهيموجلوبين, Taux d'hémoglobine, Hemoglobin levels
...altitudes Dehydration Bone marrow disorders (polycythemia vera) Heart problems Lung problems, such as emphysema Anabolic steroid abuse Symptoms of high hemoglobin levels Due to its rarity, high levels of hemoglobin...