What Is a Podiatrist?

Podiatrist, طبيب الأرجل, Podologue

Podiatrists are medical specialists who help with problems that affect your feet or lower legs. They can treat injuries as well as complications from ongoing health issues like diabetes. You might hear them called a podiatric physician or doctor of…

Sleeping better

Sleeping better, النوم بشكل أفضل, Mieux dormir

Let’s take a look at why sleeping better is so important, what stops you from getting enough of it, and my top-5 bedtime tips to make sleep come more naturally. You know the feeling. The clock strikes 3, and you’re…

Getting active

Getting active, Être actif, الحصول على النشاط

Up until about 12,000 years ago, humans spent most of their time hunting, fishing, and foraging for food.1 In other words Getting active, they were always on their feet. Fast forward to now, and, biologically speaking, we haven’t changed all…