What Is Scabies?

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Scabies refers to a skin infection caused by a small mite.

These mites spread from person to person by skin-to-skin contact or sharing personal items, such as towels or clothing. This condition can affect anyone but is more common in situations in which people live in close contact with one another.

The symptoms include itching and a rash between the fingers and toes or in areas where the skin folds. These signs are usually sufficient for providing a diagnosis. Scabies is not serious condition but needs treatment in order to resolve.

Treatment involves applying skin lotions to kill the mites and taking steps to remove mites from household items such as linen and clothing. Most people recover well following treatment for scabies.

What are the risks of scabies?

Scabies can affect people of all ages, social levels, and living situations. However, because this condition is spread by close contact, it is more common institutions where people live in close contact with one another, such as in boarding houses, old-age homes, and group homes. It is uncommon, but also possible, to pass scabies on through the use of personal items, especially towels and bedsheets. Scabies is also more common in tropical and sub-tropical areas.

Symptoms of scabies?

The most common symptom of scabies is intense itching which worsens at night.

There is also a rash which consists of:

  • small red spots
  • blisters or short
  • red lines

The itch and rash tend to occur in the folds between the fingers or toes, around the nipples, wrists, elbows, and groin. In severe cases, it can affect the whole body, although the face and scalp are often spared.


The diagnosis can usually be made based on the symptoms and the appearance of the affected areas of the skin. The diagnosis becomes more confident if more than one household member has the same symptoms. The diagnosis can be confirmed by examining a small scraping of skin for signs of mites.

Treatment of scabies?

Scabies is treated by applying a medicated cream or lotion to the whole body.

This medication kills the mites in the skin and usually needs to be applied at least twice. Additionally, all clothes, bedding, and towel should be washed with hot water or sealed in a plastic bag to make sure that all the mites are killed. Other people in the house, or close contacts who do not live with the affected person, should be treated, regardless of whether they have symptoms.


Avoiding skin-to-skin contact with infected people can help to prevent scabies from spreading. Washing linen regularly in hot water may also help. Thorough treatment also prevents the spreading or recurrence of the mites.

Other names for scabies

  • Itch
  • Mange
  • Seven-year itch


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يشير الجرب إلى عدوى جلدية تسببها عثة صغيرة.

تنتشر هذه العث من شخص لآخر عن طريق ملامسة الجلد للجلد أو مشاركة الأشياء الشخصية ، مثل المناشف أو الملابس. يمكن أن تؤثر هذه الحالة على أي شخص ولكنها أكثر شيوعًا في المواقف التي يعيش فيها الأشخاص على اتصال وثيق مع بعضهم البعض.

تشمل الأعراض حكة وطفح جلدي بين أصابع اليدين والقدمين أو في المناطق التي يطوي فيها الجلد. عادة ما تكون هذه العلامات كافية لتقديم التشخيص. الجرب ليس حالة خطيرة ولكنه يحتاج إلى علاج من أجل الشفاء.

يشمل العلاج استخدام مرطبات الجلد لقتل العث واتخاذ خطوات لإزالة العث من الأدوات المنزلية مثل الكتان والملابس. يتعافى معظم الناس جيدًا بعد العلاج من الجرب.

ما هي مخاطر الجرب؟

يمكن أن يصيب الجرب الأشخاص من جميع الأعمار والمستويات الاجتماعية والأوضاع المعيشية. ومع ذلك ، نظرًا لانتشار هذه الحالة عن طريق الاتصال الوثيق ، فهي أكثر شيوعًا في المؤسسات التي يعيش فيها الأشخاص على اتصال وثيق مع بعضهم البعض ، كما هو الحال في المنازل الداخلية ومنازل المسنين والمنازل الجماعية. من غير المألوف ، ولكن من الممكن أيضًا ، نقل الجرب من خلال استخدام العناصر الشخصية ، وخاصة المناشف وأغطية الأسرة. الجرب أكثر شيوعًا في المناطق الاستوائية وشبه الاستوائية.

أعراض الجرب؟

أكثر أعراض الجرب شيوعًا هي الحكة الشديدة التي تزداد سوءًا في الليل.

يوجد أيضًا طفح جلدي يتكون من:

  • بقع حمراء صغيرة
  • بثور أو قصيرة
  • خطوط حمراء

تميل الحكة والطفح الجلدي إلى الحدوث في الطيات بين الأصابع أو أصابع القدم وحول الحلمات والمعصمين والمرفقين والأربية. في الحالات الشديدة ، يمكن أن يؤثر على الجسم كله ، على الرغم من أن الوجه وفروة الرأس غالبًا ما يُعفى منه.


يمكن عادةً إجراء التشخيص بناءً على الأعراض ومظهر المناطق المصابة من الجلد. يصبح التشخيص أكثر ثقة إذا كان لدى أكثر من فرد من أفراد الأسرة نفس الأعراض. يمكن تأكيد التشخيص عن طريق فحص تجريف صغير للجلد بحثًا عن علامات العث.

علاج الجرب؟

يتم علاج الجرب عن طريق وضع كريم أو غسول طبي على الجسم كله.

يقتل هذا الدواء العث في الجلد وعادة ما يحتاج إلى استخدامه مرتين على الأقل. بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، يجب غسل جميع الملابس والفراش والمنشفة بالماء الساخن أو وضعها في كيس بلاستيكي للتأكد من قتل كل العث. يجب علاج الأشخاص الآخرين في المنزل ، أو المخالطين المقربين الذين لا يعيشون مع الشخص المصاب ، بغض النظر عما إذا كانت لديهم أعراض.


يمكن أن يساعد تجنب ملامسة الجلد للمصابين بالعدوى على منع انتشار الجرب. قد يساعد أيضًا غسل الكتان بانتظام بالماء الساخن. يمنع العلاج الشامل أيضًا انتشار أو تكرار العث.

أسماء أخرى للجرب

  • حكة
  • كثير
  • سبع سنوات

**What is Scabies?**


Scabies‌ is a highly contagious skin infection caused ‍by the microscopic mite, Sarcoptes scabiei. It results in intense itching, especially at night,⁤ and ⁢the formation of small, raised bumps on the skin.


* ‌**Intense ⁣itching:** Especially worse at night, leading to disturbed sleep.

* **Small, raised bumps:** Appear on the hands, wrists, elbows, ⁣armpits,​ and genitals.

* **Burrows:** Tiny, wavy lines found on the skin, usually between the fingers or toes.

* **Crusted scabies:** A severe form that leads to thick, crusty lesions on the hands and feet.


Scabies is transmitted through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected individual or contaminated objects. It⁢ is ​often spread in crowded living conditions, such as nursing homes or prisons.


Scabies can be‍ diagnosed based on a physical examination of the ⁣skin.⁣ The‍ burrows ⁤created by the mites can often be seen with ​a magnifying glass. A skin scraping can ⁤also ⁣be taken to confirm the diagnosis.


Scabies is treated with topical medications that kill the mites. The most common treatment is permethrin cream. It is applied ​to the entire body and left on for 8-12 hours. Other medications, such as ivermectin, ​may also be prescribed.


Preventing scabies involves the following measures:

* Avoid⁤ close contact with infected individuals.

* Wash bedding, ⁤towels, and clothing of an infected person in hot water.

* Vacuum ⁣and clean rugs and furniture thoroughly.

* Treat all close contacts of an infected individual.


Untreated‍ scabies can lead to​ several complications, including:

* Bacterial skin infections

* Post-scabies itch

* Spread to other parts of the body

* Crusted scabies, which is highly contagious and difficult to treat


Scabies is a common skin infection⁢ that can be highly distressing. However, it is treatable with topical medications.⁤ By following preventive measures and seeking prompt treatment, scabies can be managed effectively and its complications can be avoided.


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**Q: What is Saas?**

**A:** SaaS (Software as‍ a ⁤Service)​ is a cloud-based software delivery model where software is hosted and managed by a third-party provider. Customers ​access and use the ⁢software over ⁤the internet, typically through⁤ a subscription-based pricing model.

**Key Benefits​ of SaaS:**

* **Cost-effective:** No upfront hardware ‍or ⁤software costs; pay⁣ only for what you use.

* **Scalability:** Easily scale up or down as your business⁢ needs change.

* **Accessibility:** Access‌ software from anywhere with an internet connection.

* **Security:** Managed ‌by the provider, ensuring high levels⁣ of security.

* **Automatic updates:** Regular updates and maintenance performed by⁢ the provider.

**Examples‌ of SaaS Applications:**

* Customer​ relationship management (CRM)

* Enterprise resource planning (ERP)

*⁤ Content⁤ management systems⁤ (CMS)

* Collaboration‍ tools

* Data analytics‌ platforms

**How SaaS Differs from⁤ Traditional Software:**

*⁢ **Deployment:** Cloud-based vs. installed ‍locally

* **Maintenance:** Managed by the provider vs. by the customer

*⁤ **Subscription:** Pay-as-you-go vs. ‌upfront licensing

* **Scalability:** On-demand ⁤vs. fixed capacity

* **Accessibility:** Remote access vs. device-specific

**Benefits of SaaS for Businesses:**

* Reduced IT costs

* ⁣Increased agility and flexibility

* Improved collaboration ⁢and productivity

* Enhanced security and compliance

* Access to cutting-edge technology


  1. A contagious skin condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into the skin, causing intense itching and a rash

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