What is Trichomonas Vulvovaginitis?

Trichomonas vulvovaginitis is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) of the vulva (external female genitals) and vagina. It is caused by a tiny parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. This condition mainly affects women between the ages of 16 and 35 years. It is passed from person to person during sexual intercourse. The most common symptoms are an unusual vaginal discharge, vaginal itch, and pain during sexual intercourse. Antibiotics are needed to treat the infection. Sexual partners should also be treated. Most people recover well after treatment for the trichomonas infection and do not have any further problems.


Trichomonas vaginalis is a small parasite that is spread via unprotected sexual intercourse. When it causes an infection of the female genitals, this is called trichomonas vulvovaginitis. This condition most commonly affects women between the ages of 16 and 35. Unsafe sexual behavior increases the risk of getting trichomonas vulvovaginitis.


Common symptoms of a trichomonas infection are an unusual, green-yellow vaginal discharge and itching or burning of the vagina. Women with a trichomonas infection may also have pain when urinating or during sexual intercourse.


The diagnosis may be suspected from the symptoms and the appearance of the genitals during a gynecological examination. The diagnosis is confirmed when a sample of the vaginal discharge shows the presence of the trichomonas parasite. A urine sample or sample of the vaginal mucus may be taken and investigated for other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).


A trichomonas infection is treated with antibiotic tablets. It is important to tell and treat the sexual partner(s) to prevent re-infection and further spread of the infection.


Practicing safe sex can prevent trichomonas infection.

Other names for trichomonas vulvovaginitis

  • Trichomonas vaginitis
  • Trichomoniasis

**What ⁤is Trichomonas Vulvovaginitis?**

Trichomonas vulvovaginitis ⁢is a common⁤ sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused ‌by the protozoan parasite​ Trichomonas vaginalis. It​ affects the vulva (external female genitalia) and vagina, causing symptoms such as itching, irritation, and‍ vaginal discharge.

**Keywords:** Trichomonas vulvovaginitis, STI, sexually ⁢transmitted infection, vulva, vagina, inflammation, vaginal discharge


* Vaginal itching and irritation

* Yellowish or greenish vaginal discharge

* Foul-smelling vaginal odor

* Pain during intercourse​ or urination

* Pain or discomfort in the lower‍ abdomen


Trichomonas⁣ vulvovaginitis is diagnosed through a pelvic exam and vaginal swab test. ⁣The ⁣swab test is used to examine vaginal fluid ‌under a microscope to identify the parasite.

**Keywords:** Pelvic exam, ⁢vaginal swab test, laboratory diagnosis


Treatment for ⁣Trichomonas ⁢vulvovaginitis typically involves taking oral metronidazole or ⁣tinidazole antibiotics. It⁣ is crucial to complete the full course of antibiotics as prescribed to eradicate the infection.

**Keywords:** Metronidazole, tinidazole, antibiotic treatment


Trichomonas vulvovaginitis is ​transmitted through unprotected sexual contact with an infected person. It is not spread ⁣through casual contact, such as ​sharing towels or clothing.

**Keywords:** ⁤Unprotected sexual contact, sexual transmission, prevention


If​ left untreated, Trichomonas⁢ vulvovaginitis can lead​ to complications such as:

* Infertility

* Pelvic inflammatory disease‍ (PID)

* ⁢Preterm birth

* Low birth ⁣weight

**Keywords:** Infertility, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), preterm birth, low birth weight


To prevent Trichomonas vulvovaginitis:

* Practice safe sex (use condoms⁢ or dental‌ dams)

* Get tested for STIs regularly

* Treat infected ​sexual partners

* Maintain good genital hygiene

**Keywords:** Safe sex, condom, dental⁢ dam, STI testing, partner‍ notification


Trichomonas​ vulvovaginitis is a relatively common STI that can be treated⁣ effectively ⁢with antibiotics. Early⁤ diagnosis and treatment are crucial‍ to prevent potential complications. To ⁣ensure good sexual and reproductive health,‌ regular STI testing and practicing ‍safe sex are essential.


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