What is Urinary Catheterisation: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results
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What is Urinary Catheterisation?
Urinary catheterisation is an invasive medical procedure that involves inserting a device into the patient’s bladder to collect their urine. It is most commonly used on patients who suffer from urinary incontinence, kidney stones, and obstruction of the urethral tract due to an enlarged prostate. Urinary catheters also have many other purposes, such as allowing for easier and more sanitary instillation of medications and draining fluid during operations.
The most common type of urinary catheter is an indwelling catheter, which stays in the patient’s body for a period of time, normally weeks, months, or even years. A catheter consists of a hollow tube of resilient material, usually PVC-based, which contains a balloon on the inside that is filled with sterile water after it has been inserted. This balloon helps keep the catheter in place, while a stopper prevents leakage. The catheter is then connected to a drainage bag, which is designed to keep the urine contained without spilling.
The catheter is inserted through the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside of the body. It is pushed until it reaches the bladder, where the person will feel a slight burning sensation. Once in place, the catheter will remain there until the person no longer needs it.
The main benefit of using a urinary catheter is that it allows for easy and frequent collection of urine. This can be an especially valuable tool for patients suffering from incontinence, as it prevents mess and provides relief. Urinary catheters also allow easy and sanitary instillation of medications for patients suffering from urinary stones, as well as draining fluid during surgery.
The use of a urinary catheter can also help maintain patient comfort. By limiting the need for people to constantly get out of bed as they would need to with a regular toilet, it encourages rest and relaxation.
Expected Results
The expected results of using a urinary catheter will depend on the reason for which it is needed. For those who are using it to manage incontinence, some of the expected results include improved hygiene, as patients will no longer have to deal with urine leakage and the corresponding mess.
For those using a catheter for surgery, the expected results can vary. For instance, draining fluid from the abdomen or chest of a patient can reduce their pain and help speed up recovery.
Though urinary catheterisation generally comes with few adverse effects, there can be some potential complications. These can include infection, discomfort during insertion, and blockage of the catheter due to the accumulation of crystallized minerals. Additionally, some patients may experience an allergic reaction to the material of the catheter.
Urinary catheterisation is an invasive medical procedure that involves inserting a device into the patient’s bladder to collect their urine. It is most commonly used on patients who suffer from urinary incontinence, kidney stones, and obstruction of the urethral tract due to an enlarged prostate. The main benefit of using a urinary catheter is that it allows for easy and frequent collection of urine, which can help maintain patient comfort. The expected results of using a urinary catheter will depend on the reason for which it is needed, though potential complications can include infection, discomfort during insertion, and blockage due to the accumulation of crystallized minerals.
Definition and Overview
Urinary catheterisation is a procedure that inserts a urinary catheter—a tube made of silicone, latex, or polyurethane—into the bladder through the urethra to drain the urine and/or to introduce liquids into the urethra or bladder for treatment and diagnosis of conditions that affect the urinary tract.
Different types of catheters can be used in this procedure. These include:
- In-dwelling urinary catheter – Also known as a Foley catheter, this is typically made of silicone or natural rubber. It comes with a balloon-like attachment, which is inflated with sterilized water.
- Intermittent catheter – Also known as a Robinson catheter, this type is often prescribed for patients who require a catheter for a shorter period. This does not have a balloon attached to its tip, which means that it cannot be used without drainage. Intermittent catheters can be either coated or non-coated. The former typically has a hydrophilic coating and comes ready to use, allowing patients to perform self-catheterisation. However, it is important to note that the patient should closely follow guidelines for maintaining the cleanliness of the catheter and the surrounding areas, as well as instructions for proper catheter insertion.
- Coudé catheter – This features a curved tip that makes for easier insertion into the prostatic urethra.
- Haematuria catheter – This is a type of Foley catheter prescribed for patients suffering from haematuria or have undergone haemostasis. This can also be used to facilitate endoscopic surgical procedures.
- Condom catheter – Also known as an external catheter, this is often prescribed for male patients suffering from incontinence. This type offers a lower risk of infection than an in-dwelling or Foley catheter.
Who should undergo and expected results
Patients with the following conditions are typically prescribed with a urinary catheter to drain their bladders:
- Urinary incontinence, or when the patient is experiencing urine leakage or an inability to control the passing of urine
- Urinary retention, or the inability to pass urine and empty the bladder
- Medical conditions such as dementia, injury to the spinal cord, or multiple sclerosis
Patients who have recently undergone a surgical procedure to the genitals or the prostate are often fitted with a catheter post-operation to aid them in passing urine and emptying the bladder.
How the procedure works
The method on how the procedure is performed depends on the type of catheter to be used.
An in-dwelling catheter is typically inserted into the urethra. However, there are also instances where a small hole is made in the abdomen before the catheter is inserted directly into the bladder. If this is the case, the procedure must be performed in a hospital or a clinic with a sterile environment to prevent the early onset of infection.
Meanwhile, condom and intermittent catheters can be worn without assistance. However, the catheter must be replaced every day for sanitary purposes.
Possible risks and complications
Because a catheter is placed inside the body and it deals with disposal of bodily waste, infections are not uncommon among patients. The urethra, bladder, and in some rare cases, the kidneys, become infected especially with patients who use catheters for an extended period. These infections are known as urinary tract infections and can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by the doctor.
Other common problems include bladder spasms, which are very similar to stomach cramps, injury to the urethra, bladder stones, haematuria or presence of blood in the urine, and blockage of the urethra.
Patients who are sensitive or allergic to latex might also experience adverse reactions to catheters made of the said material.
More severe complications linked to urinary catheterisation include:
- Kidney damage, usually with patients who are using in-dwelling catheters for extended period
- Infections in the blood, or septicemia
- Bladder stones
Should the patient experience the following symptoms, he or she need to consult with a doctor immediately, who will replace or remove the catheter, or prescribe another form of treatment:
- Recurring bladder spasms that become more painful over time
- Chills or fever
- Bleeding inside or around the catheter
- Large amounts of urine leakage
- The presence of stones or sediments in the urinary catheter or the drainage bag attached to it
- Strong-smelling urine
- Thick or cloudy urine
- Swelling of the urethra around the catheter
- The presence of skin sores (if the patient is using a suprapubic catheter)
Little to no urine draining from the catheter, especially if the patient is properly hydrated
Reference:Resnick NM. Incontinence. In: Goldman L, Ausiello D, eds. Goldman’s Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier Saunders; 2011:chap 25.
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Very informative! #thankyou