Qu'est-ce que le tétanos ?

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## What is Tetanus?

Tetanus, also known as lockjaw [[2]], is a⁤ serious disease of the nervous ⁤system caused by‍ a bacterium called Clostridium ​tetani [[3]]. ⁢Tetanus is commonly known as [[2]] because it‍ causes muscle ⁤contractions, particularly‌ of your⁤ jaw and neck muscles[[3]]. ⁣Tetanus⁤ is not spread from person to person[[2]], but rather usually enters the body through breaks in the skin, such as cuts‌ or puncture wounds ⁤caused ‌by ‍contaminated objects [[2]]. Tetanus is a ⁢serious disease for which there is no cure, so it is important ⁤to⁤ get ‍vaccinated against tetanus to prevent infection [[3]].

**How ⁢does ⁣one get Tetanus?**

Tetanus is caused ⁣by a bacterium that is found in​ soil, dust, and manure [[2]]. This ⁣bacterium can enter ⁤the body through breaks​ in the skin, such as cuts ⁤or puncture wounds, and produce⁤ a neurotoxin (tetanospasmin) that affects the nervous system [[3]].

**What are the symptoms ⁣of Tetanus?**

The symptoms of tetanus typically appear ‌within 2 ⁣to 21 days after infection [[3]]. The most common⁣ symptom ​of tetanus is a locked jaw, which is caused by ⁣muscle contractions in the jaw ⁣ [[3]]. ‌Other symptoms of tetanus can include painful‌ muscle spasms all over the body, ​difficulty breathing, ⁢sweating, fever, and high blood ⁤pressure [[3]].

**How is Tetanus Treated?**

There is no cure ⁣for tetanus, so treatment focuses on managing the symptoms and preventing complications [[3]]. ⁢Treatment may include:

  • ⁢**Antibiotics to kill the bacteria**

  • **Antitoxin to⁣ block‌ the tetanus neurotoxin**

  • **Paink. ‌relevers for‌ the muscle spasms**

  • **Sedatives to ‍calm the nervous system**

  • ​**Ventilation to help you ⁢breathe ‌if⁢ your‌ muscles are too⁢ weak**

  • **How can Tetanus be prevented?**

    The best way to prevent tetanus is to get vaccinated [[3]]. The tetanus vaccine is part of the ⁣routine childhood immunization ⁤schedule [[4]]. The vaccine is ‍given in‌ a series of shots, and it provides long-lasting protection against ​tetanus.

    **When⁤ should one get a Tetanus shot?**

    The tetanus vaccine is ⁤recommended for people of all ages. The vaccine is⁢ typically given in a series of shots, with the first shot given in infancy and booster [[4]] shots given every 10 years. If you have not been vaccinated against tetanus,⁣ or if you are not sure if you⁤ are up-to-date on⁤ your tetanus vaccination, talk‍ to your doctor.

    **What⁢ are the risks of​ the Tetanus vaccine?**

    The tetanus‌ vaccine is safe‌ and effective‌ [[4]]. The most common⁤ side effects of the vaccine⁤ are mild, and may include soreness, swelling, or a ‍mild ⁢fever.

    Un commentaire

    1. Tetanus is a bacterial infection that affects the nervous system. It is caused by the bacterium Clostridium tetani, which is found in soil, dust, and manure.

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