Quels aliments éviter pendant la grossesse ?

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**What​ Foods to ‍Avoid During Pregnancy?**

Maintaining a healthy diet⁣ during pregnancy is crucial for the well-being of both the mother and the developing baby. However,​ there are certain foods that should ⁣be avoided due to their potential risks. Here’s a comprehensive guide to foods⁢ to avoid during pregnancy:

**1. Raw or Undercooked Meat, Fish, and Seafood:**

* **Raw meat:** May contain bacteria like E. coli and Salmonella, which can cause ⁢food poisoning.

* **Undercooked fish:** May harbor parasites like Anisakis that can lead to infection.

* **Raw or undercooked shellfish:** Can transmit viruses ⁤or bacteria, such as norovirus or Vibrio.

**2. Raw or Unpasteurized Dairy Products:**

* **Raw milk:** ⁢May ⁢contain harmful bacteria ​like Salmonella and Listeria, which can cause serious infections.

* **Unpasteurized cheese:**​ Can harbor bacteria like Listeria, which can cross the​ placenta and infect the fetus.

**3. Raw​ Eggs:**

* **Uncooked eggs:** May contain Salmonella, increasing the risk of ⁣food poisoning.

* **Foods containing raw ⁢eggs:** Such as ⁣homemade mayonnaise, tiramisu, ‌or cookie dough.

**4. Unwashed Fruits and Vegetables:**

* **Pesticides and bacteria:** Pesticides used on produce can be harmful to the developing fetus, and bacteria like E. coli or⁤ Salmonella can contaminate unwashed fruits and vegetables.

**5. ‌Fish High in‍ Mercury:**

* ‌**Swordfish, shark, tilefish, king mackerel:**⁤ These fish contain high levels of mercury, which can accumulate in the body and affect the nervous system development of the baby.

**6. Alcohol:**

* **Any amount of alcohol:** Can easily ‍cross the placenta and reach the‍ fetus, causing fetal alcohol syndrome and other ‌developmental issues.

**7. Excess Caffeine:**

* ​**High⁤ caffeine intake:** Can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, or low birth weight. Limit caffeine consumption to less than ‍200 mg per​ day.

**8. Liver:**

* **Animal liver:** Contains high levels⁤ of vitamin A, which can be toxic to the ⁣fetus in excessive amounts. Limit liver consumption to no more than ⁣once a week.

**9. Unprocessed Sprouts:*

* **Alfalfa, clover, and mung bean sprouts:** May contain bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli, posing a risk of food poisoning.

**10. Herbal Tea and Supplements:**

* **Certain herbal teas and supplements:** May contain harmful substances or interact with medications. Consult with a healthcare professional‌ before consuming any.

**Tips for Avoiding Foodborne Illnesses:**

* Cook meat, fish, and seafood thoroughly.

* Wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before consuming.

* Avoid cross-contamination ⁤by washing surfaces and utensils after handling raw meat.

* Refrigerate⁤ food promptly to prevent bacterial growth.

* Discard any⁣ food that has spoiled or gone bad.

Remember that individual dietary needs and restrictions may vary during​ pregnancy. Consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice on what​ foods to avoid and⁢ maintain a healthy diet throughout this important period. ⁤By following these guidelines, you can minimize the risks and optimize the health of both you ⁣and your developing baby.

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