Quels sont les signes de l'herpès ?

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**Question: What are the signs of herpes?**


Herpes ​is⁣ a common ​viral infection that can cause painful, recurring ⁢blisters or​ ulcers. It is ‍caused by the herpes​ simplex virus (HSV), and there are two main types: HSV-1 and‍ HSV-2. [[1]]

**HSV-1** typically causes oral ⁣herpes, also known ⁣as‍ cold sores or fever blisters, which appear as small, fluid-filled ⁣blisters on the lips, mouth, or nose. [[2]]

**HSV-2** ‍typically causes genital⁢ herpes,⁢ which​ appears as blisters or ulcers on ⁢the⁣ genitals, rectum, or thighs. [[3]]

**Symptoms of herpes can include:**

* ‌Painful, itchy blisters or ulcers

* Fever

* Body aches

*⁤ Swollen lymph⁣ nodes [[1]]

**It ‍is important⁤ to note​ that many ⁢people with herpes have no symptoms or only mild ⁣symptoms.** [[1]] This means they may not be aware they have the infection and can pass the virus‍ along to others without knowing.

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