Qu'est-ce que la maladie de Fabry ?

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**Q: What is Fabry Disease?**

**A:** Fabry disease, also known as Anderson-Fabry disease, is a ​rare genetic disorder characterized‍ by the deficiency of an enzyme called ‍alpha-galactosidase A (α-Gal A). This enzyme is responsible for breaking down a specific type of molecule‌ called globotriaosylceramide ⁤(Gb3).

**Q: Causes of Fabry Disease**

**A:** Fabry disease is caused by mutations in the ​GLA ⁢gene, which encodes the α-Gal A enzyme. ⁣These mutations⁢ result in either a complete⁤ lack of⁤ enzyme activity or a reduction in its⁣ efficiency.

**Q: Types ‍of Fabry Disease**

**A:** Fabry⁢ disease has two primary types:

* **Classical Fabry disease:**‌ The​ most⁤ common and severe form, ⁤affecting males more severely.

* **Late-onset Fabry disease:** A less severe form that ⁣usually presents in males at⁣ a later age and‌ females of all ages.

**Q: ‍Symptoms of​ Fabry Disease**

**A:** ‍Symptoms of Fabry ‍disease⁤ can vary‌ depending⁢ on the type⁢ and severity. Classical⁢ Fabry disease typically manifests in males during childhood ​or adolescence, while late-onset Fabry disease may present later ⁤in‍ life. Common ⁣symptoms⁣ include:

* Burning or tingling pain in the hands ⁣and feet (acroparesthesias)

* Skin rashes

* Corneal clouding (whorls or opacities)

* Heart​ disease (cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias)

* Kidney disease

*⁣ Stroke

**Q: Diagnosis of Fabry Disease**

**A:** Fabry disease is diagnosed through a combination of clinical symptoms, family history, ​and enzyme activity testing. Genetic testing can also ​confirm the​ diagnosis.

**Q: Treatment for Fabry Disease**

**A:** There ‌is no cure for⁣ Fabry disease, but treatments​ can ⁢effectively manage the symptoms and prevent‍ or slow down complications. Treatment options include:

* ⁤Enzyme replacement therapy (ERT): ⁢Injections⁣ of synthetic ‍α-Gal A enzyme.

* Chaperone therapy: Medications that help stabilize the enzyme ⁣and improve ‌its activity.

* Dialysis and kidney transplantation:‍ For severe kidney disease.

* Medications to ⁢manage specific​ symptoms,‌ such as pain, heart conditions, and⁣ kidney dysfunction.

**Q: Prognosis for Fabry Disease**

**A:** With early diagnosis⁤ and treatment, the prognosis for Fabry disease can⁢ be improved. Disease progression⁤ and life expectancy ‌vary depending on the type and severity ⁢of‍ the condition. However, regular ⁣monitoring and disease management are crucial for maintaining a good quality of life.

**Q:⁣ Importance of Awareness and Screening**

**A:** ​Fabry disease is a rare but ⁢treatable condition. ⁢Raising awareness and increasing screening efforts can lead to ⁣early diagnosis and ⁢improved outcomes. Individuals with Fabry disease or those with a family history should seek medical evaluation​ to determine if they have the condition.

Un commentaire

  1. This article discusses Fabry disease, a rare genetic disorder that can affect both sexes. Symptoms of Fabry disease typically develop in males at a younger age than females.

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