Qu'est-ce que l'infection aiguë par le VIH ?

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## What is Acute ⁢HIV Infection?

**Q: What is Acute‍ HIV Infection (AHI)? **

**A:** Acute HIV infection refers to the early​ stage of an HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection, typically occurring within the first​ 2-4 ⁢weeks after ⁢transmission. During⁤ this period, ⁢the virus actively replicates and spreads throughout the body, resulting in a range of symptoms.

**Q: How ⁢is HIV Transmitted?**

**A:** HIV ‍is primarily transmitted through contact with⁢ infected bodily fluids, such as blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk. It can be spread through ‌unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing contaminated needles or drug ⁣equipment, or from mother to child during pregnancy,‌ childbirth, or breastfeeding.

**Q: What are the Symptoms⁣ of AHI?**

**A:** Symptoms of AHI may vary from person to person, and‍ some individuals may experience only mild or no symptoms. Common symptoms include:

* Fever

* Chills

* Fatigue

* Rash

* ‌Swollen lymph nodes

* Sore throat

* Muscle pain

* Headaches

**Q: How is AHI Diagnosed?**

**A:** AHI is diagnosed through a blood test ⁤that detects the ‍presence of‍ HIV antibodies. Antibodies are proteins produced by the immune system in⁤ response to infection. A positive blood test typically indicates recent HIV infection.

**Q: What are the Complications of AHI? **

**A:** If left untreated, ​AHI can progress ⁤to chronic HIV‌ infection, which can damage the immune system and increase the risk ⁤of opportunistic infections and ​certain types of cancer. Early detection and treatment are crucial to reduce these complications.

**Q: Is Treatment Available for AHI?**

**A:** Yes, antiretroviral therapy (ART) is available​ to treat AHI and chronic HIV infection. ART is a combination of medications⁤ that‍ suppress the virus​ and‍ help restore the immune system. Starting treatment promptly after AHI diagnosis is essential to prevent ​progression to chronic HIV ⁤infection and improve health​ outcomes.

**Q: How Can I Protect Myself from AHI?**

**A:** Several measures can help protect against AHI and HIV transmission in general:

* Practice safe sex by using condoms every time

* Do not ⁤share needles or drug equipment

* Get tested‍ for HIV regularly

* For pregnant women, seek prenatal ‌care and follow doctor’s​ recommendations to reduce ​the risk of transmission to the⁣ baby

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