Qu'est-ce que la méningite virale ?

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**What is Viral Meningitis? A Comprehensive Guide**

**Q: What⁤ is Viral Meningitis?**

**A:** ‍Viral ‍meningitis is a viral infection‍ of the meninges, the protective membranes that⁤ line the brain and spinal cord. It‌ is most commonly‌ caused by enteroviruses, which‌ are common viruses that can also cause respiratory and gastrointestinal infections.

**Q: What are the Symptoms of Viral Meningitis?**

**A:** Symptoms of viral meningitis typically include:

* Fever

* Headache

* Neck‍ stiffness

* Nausea and vomiting

* Sensitivity to light (photophobia)

* Confusion and disorientation

* Muscle weakness

* Seizures

**Q: How is Viral Meningitis Diagnosed?**

**A:** Viral ​meningitis is diagnosed through a⁣ physical examination, a medical ⁢history, and a laboratory analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the fluid that surrounds the brain and spinal cord.

**Q: What is⁢ the⁣ Treatment for Viral Meningitis?**

**A:**⁣ There is ⁤no specific cure for viral meningitis. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and preventing complications. It ​may include:

* Bed rest

* Medications ⁣to reduce ⁤fever and pain

* ​Antiviral medications to treat the underlying virus

* ‌Intravenous ‌fluids​ to prevent dehydration

**Q: What are the Complications of‌ Viral Meningitis?**

**A:** In rare cases, ‌viral meningitis can lead to ​complications ⁤such as:

* Encephalitis (inflammation of the brain)

* Stroke

* Hydrocephalus (accumulation ⁣of ⁣fluid‍ in ​the brain)

* Hearing loss

* Psychological problems

**Q: How can I Prevent Viral Meningitis?**

**A:**​ To prevent‌ viral meningitis, you can:

* Wash your hands frequently with soap and water

* Avoid contact with people who are sick

*⁣ Cover your mouth‍ and ⁤nose when you cough or sneeze

* Get vaccinated against​ certain‌ types of enteroviruses

**Q: What is the Prognosis⁤ for‌ Viral Meningitis?**

**A:**⁢ Most people with viral meningitis ⁣recover fully. However,⁣ some people may experience long-term problems ‍such⁣ as hearing loss or⁤ psychological issues.

**Q: When should I‌ seek Medical Attention‌ for Viral Meningitis?**

**A:** If you experience any symptoms of viral meningitis, ⁤it is important to seek⁢ medical attention promptly. Early diagnosis ‌and treatment can help prevent serious complications.

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