Que sont les hémorroïdes ?

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**What Are Hemorrhoids?**

**Q: What are⁣ hemorrhoids?**

**A:** Hemorrhoids, also⁣ known ‌as piles,⁢ are swollen veins in ​the anus and lower rectum. They can be internal,⁣ occurring within⁤ the rectum, or external, forming around ⁢the ⁤anus.

**Q: What causes ⁣hemorrhoids?**

**A:** Hemorrhoids are often caused by increased pressure in the⁤ veins around the anus, such as:

* Straining during bowel movements

* Obesity

* Pregnancy

* Chronic constipation or diarrhea

* Prolonged sitting ‍or standing

**Q:⁢ What ⁢are the symptoms of⁤ hemorrhoids?**

**A:** Symptoms of‌ hemorrhoids⁢ can include:

* Pain or‍ discomfort during ‌bowel movements

* ​Protruding lumps around the anus

* Bleeding during⁢ bowel movements

* Itching or irritation around the‌ anus

* ‍Constipation or difficulty passing⁣ stool

**Q:‌ Are ‌hemorrhoids serious?**

**A:** Most ⁣hemorrhoids are not serious and can be treated at home with over-the-counter medications or lifestyle changes. However, some hemorrhoids ⁤may‍ cause significant discomfort ⁤or⁢ bleeding, requiring⁢ medical intervention.

**Q: How can I prevent hemorrhoids?**

**A:** You can reduce your risk of developing hemorrhoids by:

* Eating a high-fiber diet to prevent constipation

* Exercising regularly to promote regular bowel‍ movements

* Avoiding straining during bowel movements

* Using stool ⁢softeners or laxatives if needed

* Maintaining a healthy weight

**Q: What are⁢ the treatment options for hemorrhoids?**

**A:** Treatment options for hemorrhoids include:

* **Non-prescription treatments:**‌ Over-the-counter creams, ointments, or suppositories containing ingredients⁣ like witch hazel, hydrocortisone, or lidocaine ⁣to relieve pain and itching.

* **Medical ⁢treatments:**​ Rubber band ligation, injection sclerotherapy, or laser treatment to ​shrink or remove hemorrhoids.

* **Surgical⁤ treatment:** Hemorrhoidectomy,⁣ a surgical procedure to remove hemorrhoids, is rarely necessary.

**Additional Keywords:**

* Anal ⁤fissure

* Prolapse

* Thrombosed hemorrhoids

* Constipation

* Hemorrhoid cream

* Treatment for hemorrhoids

* Prevention of hemorrhoids

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