Qu'est-ce que la fibrose kystique?

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**What is Cystic Fibrosis?**

**Q:⁢ What is cystic fibrosis (CF)?**

**A:** Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disease that affects the lungs, digestive⁣ system, and ⁣other organs. It is caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene, which codes for a protein‍ that helps regulate the‌ flow of salt and water in and out of​ cells.

**Q: What are the symptoms of CF?**

**A:** Symptoms of CF can vary widely from person to person. Common symptoms include:

* ⁢Difficulty breathing

* Wheezing

* Coughing

* ‌Thick, sticky mucus

* Salty-tasting skin

* Frequent infections

* Poor weight gain

* Pancreatitis

* Male​ infertility

**Q:‍ How is CF diagnosed?**

**A:**​ CF is diagnosed with a汗液氯化物测试, which measures the amount of salt in sweat. Aが高汗液塩化物濃度 indicates CF. Other tests that may be used include:

* Genetic testing

* Chest X-ray

* Pulmonary function test

**Q: What is the life expectancy for people with CF?**

**A:** With modern⁢ treatment, the average life expectancy for ⁣people ‍with⁤ CF has increased significantly. According to the ⁣Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the average predicted survival‌ age for people born in 2019 is 49.3 years.

**Q: What are the treatments for CF?**

**A:** There is no cure for CF, but treatments can help manage the symptoms and improve quality of life. Treatments include:

* Antibiotics to treat infections

* Bronchodilators to open up⁤ the airways

* ⁤Chest ‌physical therapy to help clear⁢ mucus

* Pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy to help ​digest food

* ‌Nasal irrigation‍ to thin mucus

* Exercise to improve lung function ‌and overall health

**Q: What are the ⁢research advancements⁤ in CF treatment?**

**A:** There have been significant advancements in CF research in recent years. These include:

* The development of new drugs that target the underlying genetic cause‍ of CF

* Gene therapy to replace the mutated CFTR gene

* Organ transplantation for end-stage lung or liver disease

**Q: What are the ⁣resources available for‌ people with CF?**

**A:** There are a number of resources available for people with CF, including:

* ⁢The ‍Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

* Local and national CF patient support​ groups

* Educational materials ⁢and support from‌ healthcare providers

* Financial assistance‍ programs

2 commentaires

  1. Cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that affects the lungs, pancreas, and other organs. It is caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene that encodes a protein that helps to regulate the flow of chloride and sodium into and out of cells. This mutation leads to the production of thick, sticky mucus that builds up in the lungs and other organs, leading to a variety of symptoms, including difficulty breathing, coughing, chest pain, and wheezing.

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