Qu'est-ce que la dyspepsie fonctionnelle ?

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**What is Functional Dyspepsia?**


Functional dyspepsia (FD)​ is a chronic gastrointestinal disorder characterized by upper abdominal‌ pain or⁢ discomfort for at least three months, in the absence of any structural or biochemical abnormalities.


* Abdominal pain ⁢or discomfort after meals

* Early satiety (feeling full ​quickly)

* Bloating

* Belching

* Nausea

* Vomiting


There are two main types of FD:

*⁣ **Postprandial‌ distress syndrome:**⁣ Symptoms ‌worsen⁢ after meals.

* **Epigastric ⁢pain syndrome:** Symptoms are present even when not eating.


The⁣ exact cause of ⁤FD ⁤is ​unknown,‌ but it is believed to involve:

* Abnormal ‌motility (movement) of​ the stomach and intestines

* Increased sensitivity to gastric acid

* Delayed gastric emptying

* Psychological factors, such as ⁤stress and anxiety


FD is diagnosed based on a ⁤medical ⁣history​ and physical exam. Tests‌ may be performed to rule out other conditions,‌ such as:

* Gastroscopy (upper ⁣endoscopy)

* Gastric emptying study

* Hydrogen breath test


Treatment for FD aims to relieve⁤ symptoms and improve quality of ‌life. ​This may include:

* **Lifestyle modifications:**⁣ Avoiding trigger⁣ foods, managing stress, and exercising regularly.

* **Medications:**

​ * Proton pump inhibitors ⁤(PPIs) to⁣ reduce stomach acid

⁣ * Anticholinergics to slow down gastric motility

‍ * ‌Prokinetics to enhance‌ gastric emptying

⁢ ⁣ * Antidepressants for psychological factors

* **Psychotherapy:**⁢ To address⁢ stress and anxiety

* **Acupuncture:** May help⁤ to reduce‌ pain and improve digestion


FD‍ is a chronic ‌condition, but⁤ symptoms⁣ can be managed. Most ⁣people with FD ⁢can‌ live ⁣a normal and productive life with proper treatment.

Un commentaire

  1. Functional dyspepsia (FD) is a common functional gastrointestinal disorder that is characterised by chronic or recurrent pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen.

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