Search Results for urination-excessive-volume

What is Headache?

...thought to be stress, either a single stressful situation or a buildup of stress over a long period of time. Additional triggers may include lack of sleep, weather changes, excessive...

Sunbathing and vitamin D

Sunbathing and vitamin D, حمامات الشمس وفيتامين د, Bain de soleil et vitamine D
...are the ‌dangers of⁤ excessive sunbathing?** **A:** Excessive sunbathing can lead ​to a number ‍of health problems, including: * ‍Sunburn * Skin damage * Increased⁢ risk ‌of ‍skin cancer (melanoma,...

What is Hyperthyroidism?

...British Thyroid Foundation. “Thyroid and Diet Factsheet.” Accessed April 27, 2018. ↩ **What is Hyperthyroidism?** Hyperthyroidism, also‌ known as thyrotoxicosis, is a medical condition characterized by excessive production of thyroid...

What is Hemophilia?

Cytomegalovirus Infection
...body’s ability to form blood clots. This results in excessive bleeding after even ⁣minor injuries ‍or surgeries. **Keywords:** Hemophilia, bleeding disorder, blood ‌clotting, excessive bleeding **Q: What Causes Hemophilia?** **A:...