Search Results for heart-attack

What is Miscarriage?

Miscarriage, Fausse-couche, الاجهاض
...the fetal heart rate (the baby’s heartbeat) is a principal factor in diagnosing miscarriage. The fetal heart scan is a specialized kind of ultrasound scan. The fetal heart can be...

Chemotherapy Side-Effects

Chemotherapy Side-Effects, الآثار الجانبية للعلاج الكيميائي, Effets secondaires de la chimiothérapie
...heart problems can occur with chemotherapy. The symptoms of this may include:6 A rapid or irregular heartbeat Fatigue Chest pain Coughing Dizziness Breathing problems In extreme cases, these heart problems...

What is Thyroiditis?

Cytomegalovirus Infection
...or sleep disturbances) Racing heart or palpitations (pronounced awareness of one’s heartbeat)[4] High blood pressure[5] Increased frequency of bowel movements Nausea and vomiting[6] Fatigue (generally feeling tired or weak) Tremors...