Search Results for diabetes/diabetes-weight-loss

Signs of Postpartum Depression

Signs of Postpartum Depression, علامات اكتئاب ما بعد الولادة, Signes de dépression post-partum
...Agitation Confusion Sleep disturbances Loss of inhibition Paranoia Delusions Hallucinations, e.g. hearing voices Loss of contact with reality If signs of postnatal psychosis are present, emergency medical care should be...

What are Cataracts?

Cataracts radiation or trauma, as well as through complications from surgery.[2] Cataracts are among the main causes of blindness globally and are one of the most common reasons for loss...

What is Secondary Syphilis?

Secondary Syphilis
...and the tongue. The Adoctor can help you check symptoms you may be concerned about. Adoctor conditions and symptoms. Less common symptoms of secondary syphilis include:[10][7][9] Weight loss Patchy alopecia...

What is a Pressure Ulcer?

Pressure Ulcer
...* Using dressings to ⁣promote granulation tissue (new skin) In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary. Weight-loss is a major and tretable risk-factore for pressure ulcers. **Prevention of pressure...