Search Results for chronic-cough

What is Pneumonia?

...cough suppressants, some coughing is necessary to remove built-up fluid and mucus from the lungs and airways. Possible complications of pneumonia Most people treated for pneumonia recover successfully, but, in...

What is Childhood Asthma?

Childhood Asthma
...Asthma?** **Definition:** Childhood asthma is ⁤a chronic respiratory condition that affects the airways (bronchi). It causes ​inflammation ​and narrowing ⁣of ‍the airways, leading to difficulty breathing, wheezing, coughing, and ​shortness...

What is Pediatric Pneumonia?

Pediatric Pneumonia
...Abnormally rapid breathing Congestion Vomiting, particularly following coughing Older children Fever and coughing remain the most common signs of pneumonia in children of school age. They might also complain of...

What is Migraine Headache?

migraine headache
...aura without migraine.[4] Chronic migraine Around eight percent of people affected by migraine headaches experience chronic migraines, meaning that they are affected by migraine headache attacks over 15 days per...