Search Results for chronic-cough

What is Nephritic Syndrome?

Cytomegalovirus Infection
...both acute and chronic forms. Acute, or rapidly progressing, the nephritic syndrome usually comes on suddenly and, because of acute and painful symptoms, seldom goes undetected. The chronic nephritic syndrome...

What is Epstein-Barr Virus?

Epstein-Barr Virus
...fatigue associated with chronic fatigue syndrome typically lasts for about one year.[1] Other symptoms include:[1][3][6][7][8] Body aches Enlarged spleen Enlarged liver Non-itchy skin rash Jaundice Less common symptoms include:[1] Coughing...

What is Anal Fissure?

Anal Fissure
...anal fissure, which persists for more than six weeks. Chronic anal fissure healing time varies. Without treatment, it is possible to have an anal fissure for years. A chronic fissure...

What is Legionella Infection?

Infection à légionelles, Legionella infection, عدوى الليجيونيلّا
...than twice as likely to develop Legionnaires’ disease than women Smoking. Tobacco smoke exposure increases a person’s vulnerability to bacterial infections Alcohol abuse Chronic diseases, such as chronic lung or...

What is Acute Appendicitis?

Cytomegalovirus Infection
...of hours. However, in rare instances, appendicitis may develop slowly over a period of days or weeks. This is known as chronic, or recurrent, appendicitis.[9] The symptoms of chronic appendicitis...