Search Results for insomnia/cognitive-behavioral-therapy-for-insomnia

What is Pulmonary Embolism?

Pulmonary Embolism
...for longer-term therapy. Anticoagulants are often prescribed for at least three months following a pulmonary embolism.[2] At first, anticoagulant medications are usually administered intravenously, which means the medicine is injected...

What is Arthritis?

التهاب المفاصل
...relieve symptoms and improve function. Some of the most common treatments include: *⁣ Medications * Physical therapy * Occupational therapy *​ Surgery **Preventing‌ Arthritis** There‍ is no sure ⁤way to...

What is Uveitis?

Uveitis any surgical procedure – comes with some risk of complications. Immunotherapy In cases where other medical treatment options have been ineffective, a relatively new form of treatment called immunotherapy...