Search Results for sleep-hygiene

What is Influenza Infection?

Influenza Infection others.[5] Hygiene Practicing good personal hygiene can also help prevent the spread of influenza infection. Useful preventative measures include:[14] Washing hands frequently, ideally with soap and water, or hand...

Reducing screen time

Réduire le temps d'écran, Reducing screen time, تقليل وقت النظر إلى الشاشة
...spending ‌time with loved ones. **4. Prioritize Sleep Hygiene:** * Avoid using devices an hour ‌before bedtime ⁣as the blue light they emit can interfere with sleep. **5. Use ​Screen-Time...

What Is an Otolaryngologist?

Otolaryngologists, Oto-rhino-laryngologiste, Otolaryngologist, أخصائي أنف وأذن وحنجرة
...balance Nose and nasal issues like allergies, sinusitis, or growths Throat problems like tonsillitis, difficulty swallowing, and voice issues Sleep trouble like snoring or obstructive sleep apnea, in which your...