Search Results for drugs/xtandi-side-effects

What is a rheumatologist?

...Treatments may include: ⁣Medications (anti-inflammatories, immunosuppressive drugs, etc.) Physical therapy Occupational therapy Lifestyle changes How to find a​ rheumatologist Patients can find a rheumatologist through referrals from their primary care...

What is Nonbacterial Prostatitis?

Nonbacterial Prostatitis
...and improving ⁤quality⁣ of life. ‍There is no cure for NBP, but various treatments can help manage the condition: * **Medications:** Medications⁣ such ​as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), ‌muscle relaxants,‍...

What is Pancreatic Cancer?

Cancer du pancréas, Pancreatic Cancer, سرطان البنكرياس
...* **Chemotherapy:** Drugs to shrink the tumor‌ and kill cancer cells. * **Radiation therapy:** High-energy beams to‌ kill cancer cells. * **Targeted​ therapy:** ⁣Drugs that ⁢block‍ specific molecules involved in...

What is Peptic Ulcer Disease?

Peptic Ulcer Disease
...can I prevent peptic ulcer disease?** You can reduce your risk of developing a​ peptic ulcer by: – Avoiding ⁢H. ‌pylori infection – Taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory ⁢drugs ‍(NSAIDs) as directed...