Search Results for drugs/xtandi-side-effects

What is Roseola Infantum?

Roseola Infantum a viral infection, antibiotics are not prescribed. Over-the-counter drugs such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen can be given in appropriate doses to reduce fever and pain. Aspirin should never be...

What is Secondary Syphilis?

Secondary Syphilis
...and cardiovascular effects. In this stage soft, rounded tumor-like areas of inflammation called gummas can also appear.[7] Secondary syphilis Secondary syphilis appears only after the symptoms of primary syphilis have...

What is Acute Pancreatitis?

Acute Pancreatitis, التهاب البنكرياس الحاد, pancréatite aiguë
...with appropriate treatment, most people recover well.[1][11] People with acute pancreatitis are usually admitted to the hospital. Treatment generally includes: Fluids administered intravenously Painkillers Drugs to reduce nausea and vomiting...